You won’t believe who Joe Biden recruited to tip the scales in the 2022 election

Joe Biden and the Democrats can see the writing on the walls. The American people are ready to vote for Republicans in droves.

But you won’t believe who Joe Biden recruited to tip the scales in the 2022 election

Joe Biden went to Saudi Arabia to encourage the Crown Prince to maintain high oil output and fist-bumped him.

On the other hand, during the 2020 election, Biden advocated for labeling Saudi Arabia a “pariah” because of the suspicions that the Saudi Crown Prince ordered the murder of journalist Jamal Kashoggi in 2018.

Democrats are furious that President Trump tore up former President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal and negotiated with Saudi Arabia to keep Tehran in check in the Middle East.

The foreign policy establishment, including Vice President Joe Biden, wanted to go back to the way things were before Obama, when Iran was the dominant actor in the Gulf.

There was no way the Saudi government would get Joe Biden out.

Joe Biden then threatened that the Saudis and OPEC would face “consequences” if they reduced oil output by two million barrels per day.

The Saudis were not going to sit back and accept it.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia released a surprising statement revealing Joe Biden asked a foreign government for help in the elections by asking them to suspend a cut in oil output until after the Midterms.

In an interview, Vice President Biden expressed concern that a cut in oil production by OPEC would be the biggest “October surprise” of all, driving up gas prices just before Election Day.

A statement from Pentagon spokesman John Kirby acknowledged that the administration had urged the Saudis to delay announcing a production decrease until after the Midterm elections.

“In recent weeks, the Saudis conveyed to us – privately and publicly – their intention to reduce oil production, which they knew would increase Russian revenues and blunt the effectiveness of sanctions. That is the wrong direction,” Kirby stated. “We presented Saudi Arabia with analysis to show that there was no market basis to cut production targets, and that they could easily wait for the next OPEC meeting to see how things developed.”

It was also confirmed by Kirby that the Biden administration could withhold arms to the Saudis as punishment for failing to enhance the Democrats’ chances in the Midterms.

“Other OPEC nations communicated to us privately that they also disagreed with the Saudi decision, but felt coerced to support Saudi’s direction,” Kirby continued. “As the President has said, we are reevaluating our relationship with Saudi Arabia in light of these actions, and will continue to look for signs about where they stand in combating Russian aggression.”

It sure sounds like you’re getting what you give out here.

The topic of impeachment will come up again.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics

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