Ron DeSantis has Joe Biden freaking out because of one poll

Joe Biden and the Democrats are trying to carve their path to victory for 2024. That’s what the Trump indictments are all about.

But Ron DeSantis has Joe Biden freaking out because of this one poll.

The American people can see the Trump indictments for what they really are: a politically-motivated move to get Trump out of the 2024 picture.

Their scheme may not even work as there’s no legal precedence for being able to charge a former President they way they are, especially with the statute of limitation in mind.

But even if the Democrats succeed, they have a new problem that is not going away anytime at all that has Joe Biden sweating bullets.

A new poll that just came out this week shows that Trump may not be the biggest opponent for the Democrats over the next several years.

A Mason-Dixon poll of Florida voters has indicated that Ron DeSantis is leading Donald Trump in a hypothetical primary match-up.

The results were fairly close, but Ron DeSantis had a statistically five point significant lead over Trump at 44-39%.

The poll also found that DeSantis is more popular among Republican voters in Florida by about sixteen points with DeSantis getting a favorability rating of 87% compared to 71%.

According to the poll:

Even among regular Republican primary voters, DeSantis is significantly more popular than Trump. Among GOP voters, DeSantis’s favorable recognition is 87%, compared to 71% for Trump. Trump’s negatives with Republicans (19%) are almost triple those of DeSantis (7%).

It’s noteworthy that as far as the hypothetical match-up goes, the study carries a 4 point margin of error either way, which does make up the majority of DeSantis’s five point lead.

Yet, the study does show that it is statistically probable that, at least in Florida, Ron DeSantis would edge out Trump during the primary.

How the rest of the Republican primaries would go is anyone’s guess, but Florida is one of the most important states to win for a Republican seeking the Presidential nomination.

What’s more important here than the fact that Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump would be in a very close race against each other in the Republican primaries is that Joe Biden and the Democrats shouldn’t be so quick to assume their troubles are gone if Trump is out of the picture.

Even if Trump was found to be convicted, which many legal experts are saying is unlikely to say the least, Ron DeSantis would be waiting in the wings with a campaign that’s just as powerful as Trump’s, if not more.

We all know Joe Biden’s approval ratings are down in the tubes. The two biggest factors of Presidential re-electability have always been approval rating and the state of the economy.

If you combine that with two other major factors in Ron DeSantis having a very high approval rating and the reality that the economy is struggling, and Joe Biden is going to have a tough time being re-elected in 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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