Nancy Pelosi may never recover from this shocking attack at a town hall

Former House Speaker Pelosi has been a leading Democrat for decades. But that all came to an abrupt end.

And Nancy Pelosi may never recover from this shocking attack at a town hall.

The Democrats have a leadership problem.

Most of the establishment leaders of the party are aging out of their posts – just take a look at Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Chuck Schumer.

With all of those years of experience comes either a history of failures or successes.

And unfortunately for Nancy Pelosi, her career has been marred with failure after failure.

Hecklers at a local town hall made sure she’ll never forget that fact.

Several hecklers interrupted Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) speech with economist Paul Krugman, accusing her of being a “war criminal” and a “sad old drunk.”

On Monday evening, Pelosi and Krugman appeared at The City University of New York’s Graduate Center. Yet, Pelosi’s address was interrupted four times by hecklers. The hecklers yelled at Pelosi about foreign policy and corruption.

One heckler said Pelosi belonged in the “hellholes.”

“You know Pelosi, that’s a very good place for you in the depths of hell,” the heckler screamed as she was removed from the event.

“For some reason, you have a very bad obsession of getting us into war. Hey, why is it that you did not admit that there were no WMDs in Iraq?

“You lied us into a war in Iraq. You got us to invade Afghanistan. Now over 90 percent of those people are impoverished and are dying,” the heckler continued. “Why don’t you tell the truth about Nordstream?”

According to a video released on Twitter, Pelosi’s supporters in the audience were heard booing the heckler.

“Why did we destroy Nordstream? You’re leaving millions of Germans without energy,” the heckler continued. “People like you should be arrested, you are a war criminal!”

Once security removed one heckler, another stood up and resumed the yelling.

“Hey congresswoman, I came to see a warmonger but you’re a sad old drunk! What happened? When you went to Taiwan, were you looking for Ukraine? Did we blow up the Nordstream on accident or on purpose?” The man shouted. “Did you know about that? … You’re a war criminal by definition Ms. Pelosi. You got some nerve.”

“You goddam war criminal! How many people have died in your f***ing name?” the heckler added.

After that, two more hecklers stood up but were soon removed by security.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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