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Trump receives a major legal win that could shift the entire election


Even with the Radical Left bearing down on him from all sides, Trump has not stopped fighting. And there seem to be some glimmers of hope.

Because Trump has received a major legal win that could shift the entire election.

In a resounding rebuke to the Left’s desperate attempts to silence dissent, the Illinois State Board of Elections on Tuesday unanimously rejected a politically motivated challenge seeking to bar Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot.

This brazen power grab, disguised as concerns about the 14th Amendment’s insurrection clause, was exposed for what it was:

…a transparent effort to deny American voters their rightful choice in the upcoming election.

The challenge, orchestrated by the self-proclaimed arbiters of “democracy” at Free Speech For People, rested on the shaky foundation of Trump’s actions on January 6th.

Their warped narrative, twisting legitimate political discourse into an “insurrection,” served as a convenient smokescreen for their true aim: disenfranchising conservative voters and tilting the scales towards their preferred socialist utopia.

Thankfully, the Illinois State Board of Elections, composed of a diverse body of eight individuals, saw through this charade.

Recognizing the flimsy legal basis for the challenge and their own limited jurisdiction, they wisely deferred to the courts to make the final determination on Trump’s eligibility.

This decision, a testament to their commitment to due process and the bedrock principles of American democracy, stands as a beacon of hope against the encroaching tide of tyranny.

“No place” is an understatement for the Illinois board’s stance on this sham challenge. As board member Catherine McCrory, a Republican, aptly stated, despite her personal conviction that Trump’s actions “manipulated, instigated, and abetted an insurrection,” it was “not our place to rule on that.”

This principled stand against judicial overreach and political manipulation deserves the highest praise.

While the immediate threat of disenfranchisement has been lifted, the Left’s war on democracy is far from over.

Similar challenges have been filed across the country, each a desperate attempt to silence the voice of millions of Americans who dare to disagree with their radical agenda.

And with the Supreme Court hearing looming on February 8th, the stakes have never been higher.

The Illinois decision, however, offers a glimpse of hope. It demonstrates that Americans, both Republican and Democrat, can still come together to uphold the fundamental principles of our republic.

It reminds us that due process, not partisan pandering, should guide our judicial system.

And it serves as a stark warning to those who seek to weaponize the law for their own political gain: the American people will not be silenced.

As Donald Trump rightfully celebrated the 8-0 vote as a victory for “the Citizens of our Country” against the “Radical Left Lunatics,” we must remain vigilant.

The forces of tyranny are still at work, seeking to undermine our elections and dismantle our cherished freedoms.

But as long as Americans stand united in defense of due process, free speech, and the right to choose their own leaders, the torch of liberty will continue to burn bright.

The Illinois battle may be over, but the war for the soul of our nation is far from won.

Let us stand shoulder-to-shoulder, conservatives and independents alike, to ensure that the voice of the American people rings loud and clear in the 2024 election and beyond.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more if the TRUTH in the news.

Karine Jean Pierre’s massive mistake at a press conference sent Biden into rage


The White House is doing their best to cover up their lies. But sometimes, they accidentally slip up.

And now, Karine Jean Pierre’s massive mistake at a press conference sent Biden into rage.

The stench of hypocrisy hangs heavy over the border crisis, wafted in by President Biden’s latest flip-flop on border security.

Just weeks after defending the open borders policies he inherited from his predecessor, Biden has now floated the possibility of “shutting down the border” if a bipartisan deal is reached.

This sudden change of tune begs the question: is Biden’s version of border security kosher, while President Trump’s was deemed “racist” and “xenophobic”?

Let’s rewind to 2019.

When President Trump proposed similar measures, the chorus of condemnation from the left was deafening.

Accusations of racism and xenophobia echoed across the media landscape, with pundits tripping over themselves to denounce Trump’s “cruel” and “inhumane” border policies.

Terms like “wall-builder” and “Muslim ban” were brandished like scarlet letters, weaponized in an effort to paint Trump as a heartless bigot.

Fast forward to today, and the script has flipped.

Biden, uttering almost identical language, is praised for his “pragmatic” approach to the border crisis.

His proposed “shutdown” is met with cautious optimism, not scornful denunciation.

The once-toxic labels of “racist” and “xenophobe” seem to have vanished into thin air, replaced by murmurs of “bipartisanship” and “compromise.”

This blatant double standard exposes the left’s selective outrage and their cynical manipulation of language.

When a Republican advocates for border security, it’s branded as bigotry.

When a Democrat does the same, it’s suddenly statesmanship.

This political opportunism undermines any genuine conversation about securing our borders and protecting our citizens.

But let’s delve deeper than mere rhetorical hypocrisy.

Biden’s proposed “shutdown” remains shrouded in mystery.

The much-touted bipartisan deal exists only in nebulous whispers, its details hidden from public scrutiny.

How is this different from Trump’s proposals, which were also subject to intense criticism for lacking transparency?

It appears the selective amnesia plaguing the left extends to matters of accountability and due process.

The truth is, that the issue of border security transcends partisan squabbles and media narratives.

It’s about protecting our national sovereignty, ensuring the safety of our citizens, and upholding the rule of law.

These are not partisan considerations; they are fundamental American values that should not be bartered on the altar of political expediency.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

E. Jean Carroll makes a stunning confession on air right after Trump verdict


The entire lawsuit with E. Jean Carroll was a disaster from the start. And many believe that it was nothing but a politically motivated witch hunt.

And now, E. Jean Carroll made a stunning confession on air right after Trump verdict.

If ever a story epitomized the chasm between liberal virtue signaling and genuine concern for social issues, it’s the saga of E. Jean Carroll’s $83 million payday from former President Donald Trump.

In a recent interview with Rachel Maddow, Carroll, the advice columnist who accused Trump of sexual assault in the iconic Bergdorf Goodman department store, unveiled her plans for her newfound fortune.

What emerged was a spectacle of grotesque self-indulgence, leaving one to wonder if women’s rights ever crossed her mind amidst the designer sprees and European fishing trips.

Forget tangible initiatives empowering women, forget shelters for victims escaping abuse, forget legal aid for those fighting genuine injustices.

Carroll’s vision of “shoring up women’s rights” resembled a Hollywood-level shopping spree, riddled with fantasies of new wardrobes, luxurious motorcycles for her lawyers, and penthouse apartments overlooking the Seine.

While Maddow, to her credit, attempted to steer the conversation towards meaningful action, Carroll’s eyes glazed over at mentions of “groundwork” and “advocacy.”

It was a masterclass in performative activism, a PR stunt gone wildly off the rails.

One couldn’t help but cringe at the audacity of it all.

Here was a woman whose claims against Trump have been met with skepticism and inconsistencies, whose lawsuit hinged on a civil court’s lower burden of proof, now flaunting millions like a trophy wife in a bad B-movie.

While true victims of assault grapple with trauma and legal hurdles, Carroll basked in the glow of her self-styled martyrdom, her “plight” conveniently translating into designer handbags and Parisian vacations.

But the dissonance goes deeper than petty materialism.

Carroll’s accusations, made at the height of Trump’s presidency and suspiciously timed with the release of her book, reeked of political opportunism.

The sudden spike in sales following the accusations – a textbook case of personal enrichment disguised as social justice – only reinforces the perception of a calculated cash grab.

Where was the empathy for genuine victims caught in the crossfire of partisan battles? Where was the outrage against weaponized accusations used as political cudgels?

Lost in the celebratory champagne toast of the left, lost in the deafening chants of “believe all women,” is the chilling effect such cases have on genuine victims.

When every accusation, regardless of evidence or logic, becomes a rallying cry for political agendas, the true fight for women’s rights gets drowned out by the cacophony of self-serving narratives.

E. Jean Carroll’s $83 million windfall isn’t a victory for women’s rights; it’s a monument to opportunistic exploitation.

It’s a gilded cage where empathy and accountability are sacrificed at the altar of personal gain, where the fight for justice becomes a lucrative brand, and where the cries of true victims are overshadowed by the clinking of champagne glasses.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Alarming border report sends Washington, D.C. into total chaos


The situation at the southern border is getting worse by the day. And the government’s inaction has people infuriated.

But now, an alarming border report sends Washington, D.C. into total chaos.

As the southern border crisis spirals ever out of control, a familiar refrain echoed through Monday’s White House press briefing: legislative inaction.

When pressed on President Biden’s failure to utilize executive authority to curb the unprecedented flow of illegal immigration, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby offered nothing but promises of future action, contingent on Congressional approval.

This, however, rings hollow for millions of Americans witnessing the daily erosion of national security and the systematic unraveling of border communities.

NPR’s Franco Ordonez rightfully challenged Kirby’s feeble excuse, “Why wait until Congress?”

The answer, it seems, lies in a game of political brinkmanship.

Biden, who wielded executive authority with surgical precision upon entering office to dismantle his predecessor’s border policies, now holds executive action hostage, demanding an extortionate ransom of additional funding and legislative green light before taking even the most basic steps to stem the tide.

Fox News’ Jacqui Heinrich aptly clarified, “Are you suggesting… that the President is withholding executive action on the border until he gets the money?”

Kirby’s mealy-mouthed response, “No, I’m not suggesting that,” only confirmed the suspicion.

This cynical ploy is a slap in the face to American citizens burdened by the consequences of Biden’s failed policies.

Bill Melugin’s stark reminder, “The same authority Biden used to reverse almost every Trump policy at the border” can be used to address the crisis, exposes the sheer hypocrisy.

Why are executive levers readily deployed to appease one agenda, yet rendered impotent when faced with the self-inflicted disaster at the southern border?

The answer is obvious: political expediency trumps national security.

The statistics paint a grim picture.

In 2023, Border Patrol apprehended over 2.4 million illegal immigrants, a figure steadily climbing from 1.7 million in 2021. December alone saw a record-breaking 302,000 encounters, with countless others slipping through undetected. These numbers represent more than just statistics; they represent lives thrown into disarray, communities overwhelmed, and national security compromised.

While Kirby boasts of 16 executive orders related to immigration, they amount to empty pronouncements devoid of meaningful action.

The administration’s “catch and release” policy incentivizes further illegal crossings while dismantling successful programs like “Remain in Mexico” creates a vacuum for exploitation by cartels and trafficking rings.

This is not a matter of partisanship; it’s a matter of national responsibility.

The Biden administration’s refusal to act decisively, its hostage-taking of executive authority, and its utter disregard for the human cost of its chaotic policies are an abdication of duty.

Americans deserve decisive leadership, not political gamesmanship. The border crisis demands immediate action, not empty promises and legislative quid pro quos.

Let us hope that the pressure of public scrutiny and the mounting human cost will finally compel the Biden administration to do its job and secure our borders, before the fabric of our nation unravels further.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for the TRUTH in the news.

This Democrat assault on Americans is going as far as to steal children


The Radical Left hates America and they hate Americans. But now, what they are doing is horrifying.

And this Democrat assault on Americans is going as far as to steal children.

A Montana family is waging war against a “woke” state apparatus that ripped their 14-year-old daughter from their arms and shipped her north to Canada, all because they dared to stand up for their parental rights and refuse to rubber-stamp a radical gender transition agenda.

Krista and Todd Kolstad, the embattled parents, paint a chilling picture of a Kafkaesque nightmare orchestrated by Child and Family Services (CFS) and fueled by medical institutions pushing a dangerous ideology onto vulnerable children.

Their daughter, Jennifer, became the pawn in a game where parental authority was sacrificed at the altar of political correctness.

The ordeal began in August 2023 when Jennifer, then 13, was hospitalized after a school falsely claimed she tried to harm herself.

Toxicology reports proved the allegation a malicious lie, but that didn’t stop medical professionals from treating Jennifer like a transgender patient in waiting, bombarding her with information on “gender-affirming” surgery, including irreversible double mastectomy procedures.

Worse, despite the Kolstads’ clear objections, CFS intervened, sending Jennifer to a gender transition haven in Wyoming – a state notorious for its lax parental consent laws for such controversial medical interventions.

This maneuver reeked of deliberate circumvention of Montana’s more protective regulations, raising serious concerns about CFS’s allegiance to ideological agendas over parental rights.

Not surprisingly, the Kolstads refused to become cogs in this gender-bending machine.

Their principled stand cost them dearly.

In January, a judge, seemingly beholden to the same “woke” forces, ripped Jennifer from their arms and handed her over to CFS, citing the Kolstads’ refusal to endorse their daughter’s transition as the main reason.

This draconian decree was further weaponized by a contempt of court charge against the Kolstads for daring to speak out against this injustice.

Jennifer now languishes in Canada, placed with her biological mother, a woman with a strained relationship and, according to the Kolstads, a history of troubling behavior.

This final twist adds another layer of cruelty to an already agonizing ordeal.

The Kolstads’ story is a chilling harbinger of things to come, a stark warning to any parent who dares to challenge the “woke” medical and legal establishment’s increasingly coercive push to redefine childhood and parental authority.

Their fight is not just for Jennifer; it’s a battle cry for countless families facing similar threats across the nation.

As the Kolstads raise funds to navigate this legal labyrinth and reunite with their daughter, their case demands a national spotlight.

It’s time to hold accountable those who prioritize political agendas over the sacred bond between parent and child.

Jennifer’s stolen childhood serves as a stark reminder: if this can happen in Montana, nowhere is truly safe.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden had a massive malfunction on stage and now Democrats are petrified


Joe Biden is a disgrace to this great nation. And every time he opens his mouth, all that comes out are jumbled thoughts.

And Biden had a massive malfunction on stage and now Democrats are petrified.

Joe Biden is so riddled with dementia that he cannot even form coherent sentences.

This has become a major problem especially because a large part of being the President is giving addresses and answering questions.

However, instead of a competent and strong leader, America is stuck with a complete and total disaster of a puppet, masquerading as America’s worst president ever.

Joe Biden’s newest slip-up has reminded the American people just how far gone he truly is.

Last Sunday, Joe Biden declared that Donald Trump was the current “sitting President.”

This blunder occurred during a speech in South Carolina, where many people called for answers regarding Joe Biden’s mental health.

The Radical Left continues to claim that Joe Biden is in perfect condition, however, it is obvious that this could not be further from the truth.

Someone who does not even realize they are the president, should not be holding the office of President of the United States.


This slip came as Joe Biden attempted to make fun of Donald Trump regarding the state of the economy.

Biden said, “The American consumers are facing real confidence in the economy we’re building. Let me tell you who else is noticing that- Donald Trump.”

Following that opening statement, Joe Biden began to fumble over words and seemingly lose his mind.

Biden continued, “Did you see what he recently said about- he want’s to, he wants to see the economy crash this year? The sitting President.”

Biden went on further to say that Trump “knows” the US economy is “strong” and “getting stronger.”

Biden then tried to insult Trump by calling him a “loser,” but I think it is pretty clear who the real loser here is.

Even members of Biden’s own party have called him out for his absurd comments and his lies about the economy and the state of the nation.

Dean Phillips, who is running against Biden as a fellow Democrat, was quick to criticize the president and point out the facts of the situation.

Phillips told reporters that Biden’s “physical and communication decline” is “self-evident.”

He continued by saying, “He’s a human being. But he’s an 81-year-old man.”

As more and more instances of Biden’s deteriorating (and maybe even nonexistent) mental health are seen, more people are calling for him to step down.

America deserves a leader who does not act the way that Biden does and we deserve a leader who can form a singular coherent sentence… at least.

But instead, we have an idiot who says things like this:

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Nikki Haley’s newest comments expose who she truly is


The election season is heating up, and people are saying things they regret. But no one expected this.

And Nikki Haley’s newest comments have exposed who she truly is.

It is normal for there to be tension among candidates during election season, however, everyone agrees that there is a line that should not be crossed.

Donald Trump is the top candidate (by a landslide) for the GOP primary, and with all other candidates dropping out, it is down to him, and Nikki Haley.

As more primaries approach, the sparks are starting to fly.

But now, Haley has made comments that many conservatives have deemed were too far.

During her recent “Meet the Press” interview on Sunday, Nikki Haley made comments targeting Donald Trump and his recent legal problems.

She specifically targeted Trump regarding his most recent legal loss where he was ordered to pay an extreme $83 million in damages.

The legal battle came after a suit from E. Jean Carroll where the jury claimed Trump “abused” Carroll.

Haley sided with the jury against Trump stating, “I think that they made their decision based on the evidence.”

She said, “I absolutely trust the jury, and I think that they made their decision based on the evidence. I just don’t think that should take [Trump] off the ballot. I think the American people will take him off the ballot.”

She took to twitter to further attack Trump and claim that Trump was not addressing any of the nation’s problems.

“Donald Trump wants to be the presumptive Republican nominee and we’re talking about $83 million in damages. We’re not talking about fixing the border. We’re not talking about tackling inflation. America can do better than Donald Trump and Joe Biden,” wrote Haley.

Haley also said, “I do think that he surrounds himself in chaos, and we can’t be a country in disarray, and have a world on fire and be in chaos. I do think that these court cases are distracting not just to the American people but to him himself, which is keeping him from talking about what really matters. That’s exactly why I don’t think he should be president.”

One of Haley’s megadonors with a questionable history, also played a major part in funding the lawsuit by Carroll.

The entire lawsuit was questionable and even laughable at points.

Carroll initially claimed that she was assaulted in NYC in 1994, then changed the date and location multiple times.

Caroll also made numerous questionable remarks throughout the entire process, and at one point even labeled assault as “sexy.”

During an interview with Anderson Cooper, she stated, “I think most people think of r*pe as being sexy… think of the fantasies.”

The entire lawsuit was already highly outrageous, but the fact that the jury ruled that they did and that Nikki Haley took their side adds fuel to the fire.

Many Trump supporters see the former President’s legal battles as a “witch hunt” and say they are politically motivated.

The proof is certainly there yet the Radical Left refuses to admit anything is wrong.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump just received an unexpected endorsement that has Democrats shocked


Endorsements play a major part in every election campaign. And although many are not surprising, some are.

And Trump has just received an unexpected endorsement that has Democrats shocked and frustrated.

Snoop Dogg recently addressed the world, and his words are echoing far beyond the hazy confines of Hollywood Hills mansions.

In a recent interview, Snoop Dogg dropped a bombshell, expressing “nothing but love and respect” for former President Donald Trump.

This seismic shift in the rapper’s stance sent shockwaves through the left-leaning echo chamber he’s long inhabited, leaving both fans and commentators scrambling to decipher the meaning behind his newfound admiration.

While some dismiss this change as another fleeting celebrity whim, a closer look reveals a deeper story, one that speaks to the cracks appearing in the monolithic facade of woke celebrity activism.

For years, Snoop Dogg served as the poster child for Hollywood’s Trump resistance, peppering his raps and social media with acerbic criticism.

The infamous “Lavender” music video depicting a Trump assassination remains etched in the minds of many.

But something changed. Enter Michael Harris, the co-founder of Snoop’s early label, Death Row Records.

After serving 30 years of a life sentence for conspiracy to commit murder, Harris was released following a commutation of his sentence by Trump in January 2021.

This personal experience, it seems, sparked a reevaluation of the former president in Snoop’s eyes.

Gone were the scathing tweets and hostile rhymes; in their place, a newfound respect and acknowledgement of “great work” done by Trump’s team.

Snoop’s pivot is significant because it holds a mirror to the hypocrisy often plaguing celebrity politics.

While Hollywood denizens readily wear the mantle of “social justice warriors,” their pronouncements often ring hollow when confronted with inconvenient truths.

How many other stars have quietly benefited from Trump’s economic policies, enjoying tax cuts and booming markets, while publicly excoriating the man who enacted them? How many have turned a blind eye to Harris’ complex case, content to let their pre-packaged ideological lenses dictate their opinions?

Snoop’s newfound respect for Trump isn’t about blind allegiance or erasing past criticisms.

It’s about recognizing nuance, appreciating the power of personal experiences to shape perspectives, and refusing to be beholden to the pressure of groupthink.

Imagine a world where celebrities, like Snoop Dogg, engage in genuine discussion, openly acknowledging the merits of policies enacted by political adversaries, instead of resorting to performative outrage and virtue-signaling.

This wouldn’t mean the end of political disagreement, but it would usher in a more honest and respectful exchange of ideas.

Snoop Dogg’s change of heart may not resonate with everyone.

But his willingness to break free from the left’s ideological echo chamber serves as a potential catalyst for broader change.

Perhaps, just like the Doggfather’s evolving rhymes, American politics too can embrace greater complexity, nuance, and independent thought.

The question remains: will other celebrities follow Snoop’s lead and dare to rap their own verses of truth, even if they clash with the established chorus? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: the Doggfather’s shift has reignited a conversation that the woke left can no longer ignore.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Massive army of Patriots moving towards southern border to defend America


Joe Biden’s border crisis has hit a boiling point. Now, Americans are taking matters into their own hands.

Because a massive army of Patriots is moving towards the southern border to ensure Biden doesn’t destroy America.

The simmering crisis at the southern border is boiling over, with a trucker convoy dubbed the “Army of God” gearing up to head south in solidarity with Texas’s bold invocation of the invasion clause.

This unprecedented move throws down the gauntlet against the Biden administration’s disastrous open-border policies, and the American people are watching with a mix of fear and hope.

The “Take Back Our Border” convoy, set to begin on January 29th, isn’t just a rumble of engines; it’s a roar of frustration.

Over 6 million illegal immigrants have flooded the nation since Biden took office, overwhelming communities and straining resources.

Yet, the mainstream media, blinded by ideology, remains curiously silent.

Enter the truckers, everyday Americans ready to shine a spotlight on this national emergency.

“This is a peaceful assembly,” Dr. Pete Chambers, a retired Lt. Colonel and convoy leader, declared to Tucker Carlson. “This is how we shed light to a subject. This shedding of light will result in exposing what an open border policy really looks like.”

His words pierce through the deafening silence of the left, demanding attention for a crisis ignored for too long.

Texas, under the resolute leadership of Governor Greg Abbott, is leading the charge.

After the Supreme Court’s temporary siding with the Biden administration, Abbott made a historic, if controversial, decision: invoking the invasion clause of the Constitution.

This bold move empowers Texas to take matters into its own hands, sending a powerful message to both Washington and the world: Texas will not be overrun.

And Texas isn’t alone. The “Army of God” will crisscross the border, stopping at Eagle Pass, Yuma, and San Ysidro – hotspots where the fabric of our nation unravels every day. Congressman Keith Self (R-TX) echoes the sentiment of countless Americans: “The time is NOW to take action and secure our borders!”

But the fight extends beyond protests and political maneuvers.

Texas has deployed its National Guard, standing firm against potential federal overreach.

Republican governors across 25 states, recognizing the gravity of the situation, have voiced their support.

The line in the sand is drawn, and the American people are watching with bated breath.

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick speaks for millions when he says, “Texas has a right to protect our people.”

This isn’t a partisan issue; it’s a matter of national security, of safeguarding the very fabric of our society.

The “Army of God,” the National Guard, and the courageous leadership of Texas are not merely symbols; they are the vanguard, pushing back against an existential threat.

The border crisis isn’t an abstraction; it’s real families, real communities bearing the brunt of the Biden administration’s failed policies.

The “Take Back Our Border” convoy is more than just trucks and honking horns; it’s a desperate plea for order, for security, for the very soul of America.

Whether the federal government heeds the call or attempts to crush this dissent remains to be seen.

But one thing is certain: the American people are watching, and the fight for our borders has just begun.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring the TRUTH in the news.

Biden receives a devastating election blow from a completely unexpected group


Joe Biden’s poll numbers are abysmal, to begin with. But now they are slipping even more.

Because Joe Biden has received a devastating election blow from this unexpected group.

Democrats claim to be the “party of the people” however, the people have spoken.

Joe Biden thinks that he has the working class vote, but new data shows the exact opposite.

After tensions rose this past year among numerous unions, one, in particular, sticks out as critical during the upcoming election season.

The United Auto Workers (UAW) union had its fair share of trouble this year, but now the people have spoken out regarding their future.

The current UAW president warned that “A great majority of our members will not vote for President Biden.”

He stated, “The majority of our members are going to vote with their paychecks, they’re going to vote for an economy that works for them, they’re going to vote for a president — when you look at these two presidents, the choice is very clear about which one stands up with the working class and stands up with labor and which one stands with the billionaire class and that’s his base.”

The announcement came shortly after the UAW stated they would be endorsing President Biden for the reelection against Trump this year.

Many people think this is strange especially because the White House’s green energy agenda would destroy the auto industry in America.

On top of that, Joe Biden’s track record on trade and China has been certainly anti-American auto workers.

In fact, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen made it clear that the Biden administration is “not attempting to decouple from China.”

China has recently become the world’s leading exporter of cars thanks to the CCP taking over much of the Electric Vehicle supply chains.

China plans to flood the United States market with tons of cheap and subsidized EVs to sell to Americans.

This will directly and severely impact the culture of the American auto industry and all of the UAW workers.

UAW workers have warned that Biden’s Radical agenda could “wipe us out” and that it will bring “poverty wages” to the auto industry in America.

Trump, on the other hand, has made it clear both in his record as President and also in his recent addresses, that he will make the auto industry even stronger.

He has promised to end the green energy efforts and the EV mandates and make the lives of American auto workers great again.

In October, Trump said, “If you’re a United Auto Worker, or an auto worker of any standard of any state, I don’t care, they’re going to destroy your business.”

He continued, “Within two years, you’re not going to have a job. I’m going to bring back jobs. I’m going to bring back the manufacture of automobiles in our country.”

He then concluded by saying, “Tell your union head … tell him to not endorse the Democrats who are going to put you out of business. You’re going to be out of a job.”

Because of many of these factors, despite the announcement that the UAW would be formally endorsing Biden, the actual union workers will not be voting for Joe Biden in 2024.

This blow will surely impact the election campaign of Joe Biden and will deal a devastating blow.

The people have spoken, and we will not let Crooked Joe hold public office ever again.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Radical Liberal policies leads to death of young child


The Radical Left has passed its fair share of dangerous and harmful laws. But now it is all catching up to them.

And new Radical Liberal policies have led to the death of a young child.

The death of a newborn baby in Port Townsend, Washington, has thrown a spotlight on the state’s controversial “Keeping Families Together Act,” raising questions about the law’s impact on child safety.

While the circumstances surrounding the tragedy are still unfolding, Jefferson County Prosecutor James Kennedy has pointed the finger squarely at the new legislation, claiming it could have contributed to the infant’s death.

The child, born with fentanyl in his system, was initially placed in the temporary custody of his father, Jordan Sorenson.

Sorenson, who initially passed drug tests, later vanished with the baby after failing to comply with court-ordered drug screenings.

Authorities eventually located Sorenson, who led them to the deceased baby hidden in bushes.

While details are still emerging, reports suggest Sorenson claims to have begun using drugs only after the child’s death.

Prosecutor Kennedy argues that the Keeping Families Together Act, passed by Democrats in July 2023, contributed to the tragedy.

The law raises the legal threshold for removing a child from their home, requiring proof of “imminent physical risk” before intervention.

Kennedy contends that this provision overlooks potential long-term dangers, highlighting Sorenson’s substance abuse as a red flag that should have triggered intervention despite its lack of immediate physical threat.

“This was a foreseeable result,” Kennedy stated. “It’s preventable. And I don’t want to see another child die in circumstances like this.”

The Washington State Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF) defended the Keeping Families Together Act, citing a 23% reduction in children entering foster care since its implementation.

They maintain that keeping children with their families whenever possible is the ideal, stressing the need for intensive in-home support and adequate community resources to ensure safety.

However, the DCYF also acknowledges the challenges posed by the fentanyl epidemic, noting a rise in child fatalities and near fatalities associated with the drug.

They are reportedly working with legislators to refine guidelines for court interventions in cases involving fentanyl exposure.

This tragic incident in Port Townsend has ignited a heated debate about family reunification versus child safety.

While advocates of the Keeping Families Together Act argue that it strengthens family bonds and reduces unnecessary foster care placements, critics like Kennedy warn that the law prioritizes reunification at the expense of children’s well-being.

The fentanyl crisis further complicates the issue, as it presents a potentially lethal risk not readily categorized as “imminent” physical danger.

As the investigation into the baby’s death continues and lawmakers grapple with the implications of the Keeping Families Together Act, one thing is clear: navigating the delicate balance between family preservation and child safety requires careful consideration, comprehensive support systems, and a willingness to adapt policies to reflect evolving threats like the fentanyl epidemic.

The tragic loss of life in Port Townsend serves as a stark reminder of the urgency of this task and the responsibility both the government and society as a whole hold for ensuring the well-being of our most vulnerable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Joe Biden’s Texas decision just blew up in his face


Joe Biden’s border issues are crippling America. And even as states like Texas take things into their own hands, he is not allowing them.

But now, Joe Biden’s Texas decision just blew up in his face.

In a stunning display of solidarity, 25 states have thrown their weight behind Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s bold actions to secure the US-Mexico border: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

This united front of Republican governors, stretching from the Rocky Mountains to the Carolinas, sends a resounding message to a beleaguered federal government:

The American people demand action on the border crisis, and they’re tired of empty promises and political finger-pointing.

President Biden’s attempt to paint Congress as the sole scapegoat for the border disaster rings hollow in the face of reality.

As he tirelessly attempts to thwart Texas’s efforts to protect its own soil and uphold its constitutional duty to defend the nation, his claims of helplessness lose all credibility.

With over 10 million illegal crossings under his watch, the buck stops in the Oval Office, not the halls of Congress.

The governors’ unwavering support for Abbott comes at a critical juncture.

After a nail-biting Supreme Court ruling granting the Biden administration temporary permission to cut through Texas’s razor wire barrier, a glimmer of hope remains.

The Texas National Guard, deployed to the strategic choke point of Eagle Pass, stands firm, refusing to cede ground to federal overreach.

Their resolve exemplifies the spirit of this nationwide coalition: unwavering in their commitment to the safety and security of American citizens.

Adding fuel to the fire, former President Donald Trump, emboldened by the public’s frustration with Biden’s inaction, has thrown his full weight behind Abbott’s border security measures.

Calling on “willing” states to send their National Guard to reinforce the Texas line, Trump amplifies the growing chorus of discontent with the current administration’s feckless approach to border security.

The Supreme Court’s razor-thin 5-4 decision exposes the deep fissures within the nation’s highest court and reflects the partisan divide plaguing the issue of border security.

While Biden’s legal gambit to dismantle the razor wire barrier temporarily succeeded, it failed to dent the determination of Texas and its allies.

The February 7 appeal, hanging like a Damocles sword over the administration, serves as a stark reminder: the fight for the border is far from over.

Beyond the legal battles and political posturing lies the human cost of Biden’s failed border policies.

Cartels and human traffickers exploit the chaotic situation, preying on desperate individuals and endangering communities across the nation.

Record numbers of fentanyl flooding the country claim countless lives, and the strain on social services and public resources reaches a breaking point.

The 25 states standing with Texas represent a cross-section of America, united by a common concern: the federal government’s abdication of its responsibility to secure the border.

This unprecedented show of solidarity transcends partisan lines and speaks to a broader national consensus: the time for rhetoric is over; the time for action is now.

Governor Abbott’s unwavering stance, backed by the collective might of 25 states and millions of Americans, has thrown down the gauntlet.

The question remains: will the Biden administration heed the call and finally prioritize the safety and security of its citizens, or will it continue to prioritize political expediency over national security?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.