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Joe Biden’s shocking past remarks resurface and he’s diving for cover


Joe Biden has made his fair share of disgusting and revolting remarks. And he has tried to bury them in the past.

But now, Joe Biden’s shocking past remarks resurfaced and he’s diving for cover.

Last week, in a move reeking of political persecution and blatant disregard for democratic principles, the Colorado Supreme Court has disqualified former President Donald Trump from appearing on the state’s 2024 primary ballot.

This unprecedented decision, based on dubious legal grounds and fueled by partisan animosity, sets a dangerous precedent for American elections and exposes the alarming lengths to which Democrats are willing go to silence their opponents.

This blatant judicial activism comes weeks after a resurfaced video showed President Biden himself admitting to “making sure” Trump wouldn’t be the next president.

His chilling statement, made in response to concerns from G7 allies about a potential Trump re-election, now casts a dark shadow over the Colorado court’s ruling.

Is this merely a coincidence, or an orchestrated maneuver to fulfill Biden’s promise through illegitimate means?

The court’s justification for disqualifying Trump hinges on Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment, a provision intended to bar individuals who engaged in insurrection from holding federal office.

Yet, Trump has never been convicted of any crime, let alone a crime rising to the level of insurrection.

This flimsy legal pretext exposes the court’s decision for what it is: a transparent attempt to disenfranchise millions of American voters by manipulating the law to achieve a desired political outcome.

Furthermore, the timing of this ruling raises serious concerns.

With Election Day still months away and Trump leading in most national polls, it’s difficult to ignore the suspicion that this is a desperate attempt to tip the scales in favor of Democrats.

This blatant disregard for due process and the will of the electorate is an affront to the very foundations of American democracy.

While the Trump campaign vows to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court, the damage has already been done.

The Colorado court’s ruling sends a chilling message to all Americans:

If you dare to challenge the Democrat establishment, be prepared to face the full might of its political machinery, even if it means sacrificing fundamental democratic principles.

This brazen attempt to silence dissent under the guise of law cannot stand.

We must rise up against this blatant power grab and defend our right to choose our own leaders.

The American people deserve fair and free elections, not backroom deals and judicial activism designed to subvert the will of the electorate.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Ron DeSantis’s response to Colorado Supreme Court ruling has people stunned in silence


The Colorado Supreme Court ruling has been all over the news for days now. But no one could have seen this coming.

And Ron DeSantis’s response to the ruling has people stunned in silence.

In a move reeking of desperation and political persecution, the Colorado Supreme Court, a body comprised entirely of Democrat-appointed justices, has attempted to disenfranchise millions of American voters by banning former President Donald Trump from appearing on the state’s 2024 primary ballot.

Governor Ron DeSantis responded swiftly and forcefully, exposing this blatant abuse of power for what it is:

A cynical ploy to sway the 2024 election in favor of Joe Biden and the embattled Democrat establishment.

Speaking at a campaign event last Wednesday morning, DeSantis stated the core of this outrage:

“What you’re seeing the left do is they will use the power of the state to advance their agenda. And you see that with the Colorado Supreme Court.”

This isn’t mere hyperbole; the court’s decision rests on a flimsy legal pretext, citing Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment without any semblance of a fair trial or due process.

The court essentially seeks to disqualify a popular candidate based on partisan conjecture and political animus, subverting the democratic will of the American people.

DeSantis aptly highlighted the absurdity of this unprecedented power grab:

“I mean, look, if somebody’s convicted or something of some of these things — there was no trial on any of this. They basically just said, like, you can’t be on the ballot. I mean, how does that work? What’s the limiting principle for that?”

The implications are chilling. If this blatant judicial activism stands, it sets a dangerous precedent for future elections.

Could any Democrat candidate become arbitrarily disqualified based on the whims of a partisan court? Where does this political weaponization of the law end?

As DeSantis rightly pointed out, “Could we just say that Biden can’t be on the ballot because he let in 8 million illegals into the country and violated the Constitution, which he has, could we just say, ‘Oh, well, they have money coming to Hunter’?”

Thankfully, this blatant attempt to rig the system will likely be overturned by the Supreme Court, where a semblance of judicial impartiality still prevails.

But the Colorado court’s decision serves as a stark reminder of the lengths to which the Democrat Party will go to cling to power.

They fear the American people’s rejection in 2024, and their desperation is manifesting in increasingly un-American tactics.

DeSantis’s voice echoes the growing frustration of millions of Americans who see their democratic rights under siege.

The Colorado Supreme Court’s power grab is not just an attack on Donald Trump; it’s an attack on every voter who dares to challenge the status quo.

This brazen attempt to silence dissent underscores the importance of electing leaders like DeSantis, who are unafraid to stand up for our Constitution, our liberties, and the very foundations of American democracy.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Joe Biden’s border crisis got so much worse with this one move


Joe Biden has effectively ruined border security and thrown this nation into a ridiculous crisis. All of this could have been avoided with strong leadership.

But now Joe Biden’s border crisis got so much worse with this one move.

While fireworks erupt south of the Rio Grande, Americans north of the border are facing the simmering consequences of the Biden administration’s disastrous border policies.

In Texas, the American dream is getting stuck at the border crossing, tangled in the chaos of record-breaking illegal immigration and overwhelmed legal infrastructure.

Imagine waiting 13 hours under the scorching Texas sun, the promised land of opportunity tantalizingly close yet agonizingly inaccessible.

This is the purgatory endured by legal US residents and American citizens returning from lawful trips to Mexico at ports of entry like International Bridge #2 in Piedras Negras-Eagle Pass.

With only one lane operational due to the Biden administration’s misplaced priorities, the line snakes back for miles, a testament to the self-inflicted crisis engulfing the border.

While CBP scrambles to handle the tidal wave of illegal crossings, legal ports of entry grind to a standstill.

Resources diverted to process, transport, and even diaper the record-breaking influx of migrants leave American citizens and legal residents stranded in a bureaucratic purgatory.

Traffic grids crawl to a standstill, tempers flare under the sun, and frustration boils over into scuffles as desperation takes hold.

This isn’t just a logistical nightmare; it’s an economic hammer blow to vital US trade corridors.

In Piedras Negras alone, businesses reliant on cross-border commerce are hemorrhaging $150,000 daily.

American companies utilizing the port for exports and imports are facing delays and disruptions, impacting supply chains and driving up costs.

The American dream of prosperity is withering under the shadow of unchecked illegal immigration.

But the economic woes are just the tip of the iceberg. The Biden administration’s failure to secure the border fuels widespread anxiety and insecurity within American communities.

When the law loses its teeth, crime flourishes.

Human traffickers, drug cartels, and other bad actors exploit the chaos, their sinister tentacles stretching deep into American towns and cities.

The promise of safety, a cornerstone of the American dream, crumbles as shadows lengthen across the border.

This isn’t just a Texas problem; it’s an American crisis.

The consequences of the border meltdown echo across the nation, impacting our economy, our security, and our very sense of national identity.

The American dream cannot survive in a state of perpetual siege, its doors flung open to those who disregard our laws and exploit our vulnerabilities.

The time for partisan platitudes and political finger-pointing is over.

The Biden administration must wake from its ideological slumber and prioritize the immediate, decisive action needed to secure the border.

We need more boots on the ground, not woke pronouncements.

We need real solutions, not political theater.

Until then, the American dream will remain stranded at the Rio Grande, a mirage shimmering in the heat of a crisis of the administration’s own making.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New study reveals the one thing Biden is trying to hide

Biden’s presidency has been nothing short of disastrous. But now, things are worse than ever.

And a new study reveals the one thing Biden is trying to hide.

The festive glow of Christmas lights can’t dispel the icy truth gripping America: President Biden’s “Bidenomics” are leaving average Americans stranded on a financial tightrope, struggling to make ends meet and longing for the economic security of the Trump era.

A recent LendingClub study paints a picture as bleak as December winds – an astounding 62% of Americans, a 4% increase since March, are now squeezed into this precarious existence, a chilling testament to the ineffectiveness of the administration’s economic policies.

But the numbers speak louder than any staged photo op.

While Biden poses with a “Bidenomics” sign, voters deliver their verdict through dismal approval ratings and poll findings: a mere 14% credit his policies with helping them, while 85% see no improvement, or even feel worse off.

The study unveils the cracks in Biden’s economic facade:

Even those with exceptional credit scores (40% of paycheck-to-paycheckers) are caught in the financial squeeze, exposing the fallacy of economic security solely for the privileged few.

A staggering 57% of credit card holders are tethered to the paycheck treadmill, highlighting the rampant reliance on debt to keep afloat in an ever-churning financial ocean.

And as families scramble to cover Christmas expenses, the situation worsens:

This year’s projected total of $957.3 billion to $966.6 billion underscores the pressure to maintain festive appearances, potentially exacerbating existing debt burdens.

Despite credit card debt exceeding $1 trillion, a shocking 96% of shoppers anticipate overspending this season, illustrating the disconnect between desire and reality, and the perilous dance with financial precariousness it encourages.

Half of consumers plan to incur more debt to fuel their holiday splurge, with only 23% having a plan to repay it quickly, painting a picture of a future built on quicksand.

These statistics are not mere numbers; they represent the anxieties and struggles of millions of Americans, forced to navigate an economy offering diminishing returns.

Contrast this bleak picture with the lingering memory of the Trump era, where 49% of voters felt his policies directly benefited them – a stark reminder of the relative economic stability many are now missing.

Even prominent Democrats are voicing concerns:

David Axelrod, a former Obama advisor, expressed worry about “Bidenomics” eroding voter confidence and potentially leading to his “firing.”

The photo op, he remarked, was “unbelievable” in its disconnect from the real economic struggles on the ground.

The American dream, under Biden’s watch, seems increasingly out of reach, replaced by a constant battle to make ends meet.

The yearning for the relative economic security of the Trump era is palpable, serving as a harsh indictment of the current administration’s failed “Bidenomics.”

It’s time to stop the photo ops and start focusing on policies that can truly lift Americans out of the paycheck-to-paycheck rut and help them reclaim the promise of a brighter future.

Joe Biden and the Radical Left do not care about the lives of Americans and instead care about destroying this amazing nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Nikki Haley’s desperate attempts at thwarting Trump just fell massively short


Despite recent hiccups, Donald Trump still majorly leads in the Republican polls. He looks untouchable.

And Nikki Haley’s desperate attempts at thwarting Trump just fell massively short.

Nikki Haley, the erstwhile Trump acolyte turned ambitious challenger, is desperately clinging to any shred of momentum she can conjure in New Hampshire.

Despite trailing Donald Trump by a staggering 23 points in the Granite State, Haley has declared an imaginary “surge” and accused the former president of getting nervous.

This delusional dance reeks of desperation, a Hail Mary pass thrown by a candidate whose campaign is already fading into the sunset.

Let’s be clear: Nikki Haley has no surge.

Polls paint a stark picture – an ocean of red separates her from Trump, the true wave lapping against the New Hampshire shore.

Her self-proclaimed momentum is a mirage shimmering in the desert of her campaign, conjured by wishful thinking and amplified by a few strategically placed endorsements.

The real cause of the tremors Haley feels is not her phantom surge, but the earthquake unleashed by a pro-Trump Super PAC. MAGA Inc., the political battering ram of Trump loyalists, has taken aim at Haley’s Achilles’ heel – her record on taxes.

The “Nikki ‘High Tax’ Haley” label sticks like burrweed, reminding voters of her flip-floppy past, conveniently forgetting the phantom cuts she once proposed to offset her proposed hikes.

But the stench of desperation isn’t solely emanating from pro-Trump camps.

The pro-DeSantis Super PAC Fight Right, in a desperate bid to keep Florida’s governor relevant, has joined the chorus, parroting the “high tax” attack.

Haley’s defiance, however, rings hollow.

It’s the last gasp of a fading campaign struggling for air. Trump, sensing her desperation, has responded with the precision of a seasoned fighter.

His New Hampshire rally was a masterclass in political jujitsu, using Haley’s own ambition against her.

By subtly branding her and DeSantis as RINOs, he’s reminding voters of their past allegiance and questioning their true loyalty to the cause.

This isn’t a battle about mere policy; it’s a fight for the soul of the Republican Party.

Haley, the once loyal soldier, is now attempting a mutiny, challenging the king from within his own castle.

Her brazen attempt may resonate with a sliver of discontented voters, but it’s ultimately a fool’s errand.

The Republican base remains firmly behind Trump, the leader who delivered concrete results and unapologetically championed their values.

The New Hampshire primary, far from being a turning point for Haley, will likely be the final nail in her campaign’s coffin.

Her fabricated surge is a desperate ploy, not a testament to her strength.

The reality is this: Trump stands head and shoulders above the rest, a colossus bestriding the political landscape.

Nikki Haley’s Hail Mary pass has fallen tragically short, leaving her stranded on the sidelines, watching as the true champion prepares to lead the Republican Party to victory.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrat Mayor admits that Biden has destroyed this country


The Radical Left is trying to paint a rosy picture of Joe Biden for this election season. However, when your own party turns on you, it can never be good.

And now, a Democrat Mayor has admitted that Biden has destroyed this country.

New York City’s honeymoon with Democrat policies is officially over, with Mayor Eric Adams delivering a brutal wake-up call to residents: prepare for crippling budget cuts thanks to “extremely painful” consequences of unchecked illegal immigration.

In a stark Sunday interview, Adams ripped the mask off the myth of open borders, exposing the devastating reality on the ground: a $7 billion city deficit, overwhelmed social services, and a bleak future under the yoke of federal inaction.

The magnitude of the crisis is staggering:

Over 150,000 illegal migrants and asylum seekers have surged into the city, creating a “bump in the road” that has morphed into a mountainous obstacle to recovery.

This Democrat-manufactured calamity has forced Adams into a Sophie’s Choice: slash essential services or drown in debt.

“Everything’s on the table,” he warned, with lower-income communities, education, and even public safety hanging by a thread.

Yet, amidst this dystopian landscape, the Democrat’s promised “insurance policy” – the federal government – remains conspicuously absent.

“They’re not paying us,” Adams lamented, drawing an apt analogy: “everything in that household is going to be impacted.”

With the feds holding out on much-needed financial assistance, New Yorkers are left holding the bag, bearing the brunt of a crisis they had no say in creating.

Perhaps the most damning indictment comes from Adams himself: “We underestimated the impact of the migrant and asylum-seeker issue.”

This mea culpa from a Democrat mayor – once a cheerleader for open borders – lays bare the catastrophic failures of the party’s immigration policies.

The utopian vision of inclusivity has morphed into a nightmare of fiscal ruin, social strain, and dwindling faith in government competence.

The Biden administration’s response? A deafening silence.

After his recent face-to-face with congressional leaders, Adams emerged with “no level of optimism,” his hopes crushed by the cold reality of federal abandonment.

“This crisis is going to be carried by the cities,” he declared, a bitter consequence of Democrat failures foisted upon local communities.

As New Yorkers brace for “extremely painful” cuts, the question remains: how long will it take for the siren song of Democrat utopianism to lose its allure?

The answer may lie in the icy grip of reality, as city streets become less safe, budgets crumble, and the American dream shrinks under the weight of unchecked immigration.

The time for open-border fantasies is over; only time will tell if the Radical Left will heed the cries of anguish before it’s too late for cities like New York.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump-appointed judge foils Radical Left’s latest plan


The Radical Left is doing everything they can to push their harmful agenda on the world. But thankfully there are still true patriots who will continue the fight.

And now a Trump-appointed judge has foiled the latest radical plan.

A defiant cry of “Not so fast!” echoed across Arlington National Cemetery on Monday as a Trump-appointed federal judge slammed the brakes on the controversial removal of the Confederate Monument.

Just as crews prepared to dismantle the historic marker, a temporary restraining order issued by Judge Anthony Trenga brought the process to a screeching halt.

At the heart of this eleventh-hour twist are the intrepid efforts of Defend Arlington, a group of patriots determined to protect the hallowed ground of the cemetery from the erasing brush of revisionist history.

Their lawsuit, filed mere hours before demolition began, accuses the Army, which runs the cemetery, of a litany of procedural missteps in their rush to appease woke activists.

First on the list of alleged transgressions is the Army’s disregard for proper environmental protocols.

Defend Arlington argues that the removal plan lacks a thorough environmental assessment, potentially overlooking hazardous materials within the monument’s structure.

But more importantly, the lawsuit blasts the Army’s callous dismissal of the monument’s historical significance.

According to Defend Arlington, the monument isn’t simply a lump of granite representing a shameful past.

They emphasize its role as a “grave marker” for Confederate soldiers laid to rest within Arlington’s sacred soil.

Additionally, they highlight the monument’s potential eligibility for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places, further bolstering its claim to protected status.

This is where the fight against historical amnesia takes on a truly poignant dimension.

The monument, its defenders argue, transcends the simplistic “good vs. evil” narrative pushed by proponents of its removal.

It serves as a tangible reminder of the complex realities of the Civil War, honoring the fallen soldiers of both sides while acknowledging the undeniable tragedy of the conflict.

Moreover, there’s a growing disquiet among conservatives about the disturbing trend of erasing inconvenient symbols of American history.

They see the removal of the Reconciliation Monument as a dangerous precedent for silencing dissenting voices and rewriting the past to fit a narrow, politically correct agenda.

Judge Trenga’s decision, while temporary, offers a ray of hope for those fighting to preserve history in its unvarnished entirety.

The Wednesday hearing looms large, and all eyes will be on the courtroom as both sides argue their case.

Will the Reconciliation Monument stand tall, bearing witness to the passage of time, or will it succumb to the bulldozers of historical revisionism?

Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: this battle for Arlington’s soul is far from over.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Hillary Clinton’s shocking remarks about Trump just crossed the line


It is no secret that Donald Trump is hated by the Radical Left. And people understand that politics are not fun and games.

But now, Hillary Clinton’s shocking remarks about Trump have crossed the line.

As the 2024 presidential election heats up, Democrats are clutching at straws, resorting to their worn-out playbook of fearmongering and demonizing Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton, twice-failed presidential candidate and perpetual Trump antagonist, recently took to Twitter to warn of a dystopian future if Trump returns to the White House, declaring, “Take him at his word” when he jokingly suggested taking decisive action on day one.

This latest attempt to brand Trump as a “dictator” hinges on his tongue-in-cheek response to a question about day one priorities.

When asked if he would abuse power, Trump, known for his characteristic humor, replied, “Except for day one,” suggesting he would use executive action to address pressing issues like energy independence and border security.

Of course, Democrats conveniently ignore the context of Trump’s comment, twisting it into a sinister threat of authoritarianism.

They conveniently forget that it was none other than Joe Biden, the current president, who embraced tyrannical policies during his own tenure.

Remember the vaccine mandate, forcing millions of Americans to choose between their livelihoods and their personal beliefs? Or the mask mandates on planes and public transportation, trampled upon by courts for exceeding federal authority?

Furthermore, let’s not forget the chilling rhetoric of the Biden administration itself.

Labeling concerned parents as “domestic terrorists” and delivering divisive speeches demonizing “MAGA Republicans” hardly paints a picture of democratic leadership.

The hypocrisy of Democrats is deafening. They accuse Trump of dictatorial tendencies while conveniently ignoring their own party’s authoritarian missteps.

Biden’s presidency, rife with executive overreach and divisive rhetoric, stands as a stark contrast to Trump’s record of upholding individual liberties and respecting the rule of law.

Trump’s day-one priorities are anything but dictatorial.

Restoring energy independence, securing the border, and undoing the damage of the Biden administration are actions any responsible leader would prioritize.

To claim otherwise is not only disingenuous but also a desperate attempt to distract from the actual failures of the current administration.

Americans are not fooled by the “dictator Trump” narrative. They see through the fearmongering and recognize the desperate lengths Democrats will go to retain power.

Trump’s supporters, aptly described as “a cat” being chased by the “laser pointer” of Democrat hysteria, remain unwavering in their support for a leader who prioritizes their interests and defends their freedoms.

The 2024 election will be a stark choice between two visions for America.

One, characterized by individual liberty, economic prosperity, and strong leadership.

The other, defined by fearmongering, government overreach, and divisive rhetoric.

The American people will decide which path they choose, and Democrats’ desperate attempts to play the “dictator Trump” card are unlikely to sway them.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Greg Abbott just slapped Joe Biden in the face with a major move


Joe Biden has been neglecting this amazing country for far too long. And people have finally had enough.

And now, Greg Abbott just slapped Joe Biden in the face with a major move.

In a historic move solidifying Texas’ status as a bastion of border security, Governor Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill 4 into law on Monday, making the Lone Star State the first in the nation to criminalize illegal entry.

This bold step, taken amidst a surging migrant crisis plaguing the southern border, sends a clear message: Texas will not stand idly by while its sovereignty is undermined and communities overwhelmed.

The signing ceremony, held at the base of the border wall in Brownsville, resonated with symbolism.

Surrounded by key figures like Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and border officials, Governor Abbott signaled a unified front against the unprecedented flow of illegal crossings.

With House Speaker Dade Phelan’s notable absence, the occasion became even more poignant, highlighting the partisan divide on this critical issue.

Senate Bill 4 is the cornerstone of a legislative package aimed at stemming the tide of illegal immigration.

By making illegal entry a criminal offense, the law empowers law enforcement officers to arrest and potentially jail those who enter Texas outside designated ports of entry.

This, coupled with harsher penalties for smuggling activities and victim-related offenses, sends a powerful deterrent message to those exploiting our porous border.

The inspiration for this bold move is clear: the federal government’s abysmal failure to enforce existing immigration laws.

Title 8 of the U.S. Code already criminalizes illegal entry, yet the Biden administration’s lax enforcement renders it meaningless.

Texas, unwilling to wait for a broken federal system to fix itself, has taken decisive action to protect its citizens and enforce the rule of law.

Moreover, the law establishes civil immunity for state officials implementing these provisions, shielding them from frivolous lawsuits designed to impede enforcement.

This legal shield further empowers law enforcement, ensuring they can focus on securing the border without fear of unwarranted legal retribution.

Texas’ actions are motivated by the desire to restore order, safety, and fiscal responsibility to its communities.

While legal challenges from the Biden administration are inevitable, Texas has a proven track record of successfully defending its border security measures in court.

The case concerning the floating border buoy barrier, another innovative solution by Governor Abbott, is a prime example.

One thing is certain: Texas is refusing to be a silent victim of the border crisis. By criminalizing illegal entry and taking proactive measures, the state is forging its own path, prioritizing its citizens’ safety and well-being.

Whether Senate Bill 4 withstands legal challenges or not, it serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that states can and will take charge when the federal government fails to fulfill its basic duty of securing the border.

The message is clear: Joe Biden has destroyed this country for too long, and America is fighting back.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Newest development in Menendez corruption case has Democrats and Republicans shocked


The Radical Left has been doing everything they can to cover up for Senator Menendez. However, they can’t hide the truth.

And now the newest development in the Menendez corruption case has Democrats and Republicans shocked.

While headlines screamed about the expulsion of Rep. George Santos for fabricating his resume, New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez, nicknamed “Gold Bar Bob” for a reason, remains comfortably ensconced in his seat despite facing even more damning corruption charges.

This blatant double standard fuels outrage and leaves many asking: what exactly makes New Jersey’s golden boy untouchable?

Menendez’s alleged transgressions are stomach-churning even by Washington standards.

In September 2023, federal agents raided his home, unearthing a treasure trove of ill-gotten gains: gold bars, hundreds of thousands in cash stashed in clothing, and evidence of his alleged role as a foreign agent, showering the Menendez family with luxury cars and mortgage assistance from Egyptian officials.

This wasn’t Menendez’s first brush with corruption charges, yet the brazenness of accepting gold bars – a symbol of illicit activity since time immemorial – seems oddly glossed over by his Democratic colleagues.

Perhaps the amnesia stems from Menendez’s previous acquittal on similar charges back in 2017.

Emboldened, he’s facing the current indictment with the same lawyer who secured his previous victory, Abbe Lowell.

However, a recent twist throws wrenches into the game: Menendez has inexplicably dumped Lowell and hired a new attorney, Robert Luskin.

Here’s where the story takes a truly surreal turn.

Not only is Luskin a legal heavyweight in his own right, but he also shares an unfortunate nickname with his new client: “Gold Bar Bob.”

This moniker stems from a previous case where Luskin, ironically, received payment in gold bars from a client. The coincidence is so staggering, it feels straight out of a political satire novel.

Menendez’s Teflon coating appears to be peeling, however. His poll numbers in New Jersey have cratered, with a clear 70% of voters demanding his resignation.

This, coupled with the internal turmoil surrounding his legal representation, suggests that perhaps even New Jersey’s “golden boy” isn’t invincible.

The double standard remains glaringly obvious. While Santos, accused of embellishing his resume, was swiftly ejected from Congress, Menendez, facing concrete evidence of bribery and playing footsie with foreign powers, enjoys relative impunity.

This inconsistency breeds cynicism and fuels legitimate questions about political accountability.

Can “Gold Bar Bob” wriggle out of this gilded cage once again? Only time will tell.

But one thing is certain: the stench of corruption emanating from New Jersey politics just got a whole lot stronger.

Whether justice prevails or political expediency wins out, one thing is clear: the eyes of the nation are watching, and New Jersey’s golden boy may finally be facing the heat he deserves.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Democrat governor has had enough of Joe Biden and let him know


The Radical Left tries to paint a picture of all Democrats rallying behind Joe Biden. But the reality is much different.

And a Democrat governor has had enough of Joe Biden and has sent a clear message.

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, is taking matters into her own hands, signing an executive order on Friday to send the state’s National Guard to the southern border.

This bold move comes amidst growing frustration with the Biden administration’s inaction on the escalating immigration crisis.

“Yet again, the federal government is refusing to do its job to secure our border and keep our communities safe,” Hobbs declared in a press release. “With this Executive Order, I am taking action where the federal government won’t.”

Hobbs’ call to action isn’t just rhetoric. The governor cited “desperately needed resources” denied by the Biden administration, highlighting Arizona’s struggle to manage the influx of migrants.

This follows Chief Patrol Agent John Modlin’s unprecedented shutdown of the Tucson Sector’s social media accounts, overwhelmed by the sheer volume of crossings.

The National Guard won’t be tasked with law enforcement, but rather play a critical support role.

As Captain Erin Hannigan explained, “There’s a lot that goes on with law enforcement… stepping in to do that for them so that they can be on the streets is really what we are trying to do.”

This frees up Border Patrol agents for frontline duties, potentially addressing operational bottlenecks.

Hobbs’ bold move isn’t without precedent. Democrat Mayor Eric Adams of New York City, frustrated by his own pleas for federal assistance, recently warned residents, “help is not on the way.”

This growing bipartisan frustration with the Biden administration’s border policy sets the stage for a potentially volatile political landscape.

With Arizona taking an independent stand, the question becomes: will other states follow suit?

Governor Hobbs’ gamble could inspire a domino effect, forcing the White House to acknowledge the crisis and reconsider its approach.

Or, this could deepen the partisan divide, leading to a patchwork of conflicting border policies across the nation.

One thing is certain: the situation at the US-Mexico border continues to simmer, threatening border communities and fueling political tensions.

Whether Arizona’s independent action sparks real change or simply becomes a symbolic gesture remains to be seen.

The reality is that more and more Democrats are waking up to the destructive agenda of the Biden administration, and they are acting against the president.

Joe Biden is trying to destroy America, and we won’t have it.

Enough is enough, and even Democrats have realized that Joe Biden wants nothing but destruction for this amazing country.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Shocking DeSantis resignation leaves campaign in shambles


Governor Ron DeSantis has been struggling to contend with Donald Trump. However, things are getting increasingly harder for him.

And now a shocking DeSantis resignation has left the campaign in shambles.

Chaos grips the DeSantis presidential campaign as a key strategist resigns from his position with just weeks left before the crucial Iowa caucuses.

Jeff Roe, a renowned Republican operative and architect of Never Back Down (NBD), the governor’s super PAC, abruptly departed on Saturday, raising questions about internal turmoil and casting a shadow over DeSantis’s 2024 ambitions.

In a cryptic message on X, Roe expressed both pride in his team’s efforts and profound disappointment with the current state of affairs.

He alluded to “unwanted distractions” and “statements in the Washington Post today” as reasons for his decision, hinting at deeper underlying conflicts within the campaign.

The Washington Post report, published Saturday, detailed internal disputes and accusations of “mismanagement and conduct issues” within NBD, with fingers pointing towards Roe’s associates.

The Post also revealed a power struggle, suggesting DeSantis loyalists ousted “professionals” to exert tighter control over the home stretch of the campaign.

This latest exodus follows a string of high-profile departures from NBD, including its CEO in November.

Critics interpret these recent developments as signs of mismanagement and disarray within the DeSantis camp.

This could be potentially jeopardizing Desantis’s already uphill battle against rivals like Nikki Haley and the formidable Donald Trump.

Despite the turmoil, DeSantis loyalists remain defiant.

Campaign spokesperson Andrew Romeo dismissed the “false narratives” surrounding NBD and praised the super PAC’s independent efforts in building a “historic ground game.”

However, questions linger about the effectiveness of this strategy without Roe’s guidance and the potential impact of the internal strife on the overall campaign morale.

As the Iowa caucuses loom closer, DeSantis finds himself in a precarious position.

While he maintains a narrow lead over Haley in recent polls, the ever-present Trump, enjoying a significant lead from both candidates, looms large as an insurmountable obstacle.

Whether DeSantis can overcome these internal challenges and external threats to mount a credible challenge in the coming weeks remains to be seen.

What matters is that Americans go to the polls and vote for the strongest candidate who can make America great as it once was.

Now is a time of great turmoil in our country and America needs a strong leader.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.