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Major Republican makes disturbing threat against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy


Tensions are mounting in the political world. And sometimes things can get scary.

But this major Republican made a disturbing threat against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

Representative Ronny Jackson of Texas made a surprising statement on Tuesday regarding Speak McCarthy.

He said that a threat to McCarthy’s speakership is “inevitable” if he does not meet certain demands.

“It’s going to be detrimental to leadership in the House, if they blow off the concerns of the people like myself and the Freedom Caucus and some of the other people on the right that are making reasonable demands in this problem,” Jackson said.

Jackson was asked if he was prepared to move to vacate McCarthy’s speakership, and he replied, “I think that’s inevitable.”

He further said, “I think if we continue to rely on the Democrats to pass important legislation out of the House, it’s going to be a real problem for leadership. And I think the way the rules are set up now, that’s inevitable that’s going to happen.”

McCarthy has said that the House will need to pass some sort of short-term solution to keep the government from shutting down.

Rep. Jackson demands that McCarthy meet conservative demands and does not require help from Democrats to avoid a government shutdown.

The solution would only be short-term and is called a continuing resolution.

However, earlier this month 15 Texas Republicans, including Rep. Jackson, vowed to vote against every continuing resolution until necessary steps were taken to “secure the border.”

Jackson has also pledged to not vote for any continuing solution unless it directly slashed DOJ funding.

McCarthy is certainly between a rock and a hard place as he tries to avoid a government shutdown, but also keep key Republicans happy.

“McCarthy is going to have to listen to the people on the right or else he’s going to have to rely on the Democrats to pass this,” Jackson said.

McCarthy has faced backlash since before he was elected as speaker, and the election process was tumultuous.

“Any official Freedom Caucus position requires support from at least 80 percent of the group’s membership.”

With around three dozen Republicans in the caucus, they will have enough votes to halt any party-line efforts.

The pressure is mounting for McCarthy and other House GOP leaders, as they can only afford to lose a very few votes in their slight majority, before having to turn to Democrats for support.

It is clear that McCarthy does not want to work with Democrats, and neither do Republicans, however, the Republican demands are putting mounting pressure on McCarthy.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Top Republican’s career ENDED by one statement from Donald Trump


Trump holds massive sway in the Republican Party. Anyone who crosses him better look out.

And this top Republican’s career was just ENDED by one statement from Donald Trump.

Former President Donald Trump lashed out at Governor Chris Sununu (R-New Hampshire) by accusing him of living in “Never Never Land” immediately after the governor condemned Trump for skipping the first debate of the Republican presidential primary.

Sununu said that in the end, Trump will be sorry that he skipped the first debate between candidates for the Republican Party on Wednesday night.

His remarks were made during an appearance on the Tuesday episode of Your World with Neil Cavuto on Fox News.

“I honestly think he’s gonna regret it, I really do. You can’t say I’m going to lead the free world and not be willing to get up and talk to those who are going to challenge you and want the job. You can’t really do that. It’s not fair to the system. It’s not doing respect to the voters and your base,” Sununu said.

In addition to this, he said that Trump will only skip “one or two debates” and that he will finally debate; but, when he does debate, it will appear as if he was “forced onstage.”

“My sense is maybe he skips one or maybe even two. He won’t be able to skip more than that without a hit in his polls and a hit to his ego. Let’s face it, he’s not one to watch a bunch of people on television tear him apart and sit in the back room. I think it’s gonna get to him, and then he’s gonna kinda be forced onstage and that’s going to look weak ’cause it’s gonna look like he was forced there,” Sununu said.

“So I don’t know how it’s going to play out, but I don’t see it getting any better for him,” he added.

Trump published a statement on Truth Social not long after Sununu made an appearance on Fox News.

He stated in his article that the governor of New Hampshire “didn’t have the courage” to enter the Republican primary for president, and that this leaves him in a position where he will “never, never land.”

“I was beating ‘Governor’ Chris Sununu in his home State, New Hampshire, by so much, almost 50 Points, that he didn’t have the courage to run. He’s a selfish guy who should have run for the Senate, but now he’s stuck in never, never land, lonely and virtually unelectable!” Trump made the post.

In hypothetical polling conducted in New Hampshire, Trump was ahead of Sununu in the state before the governor of New Hampshire announced that he would not be running for president.

According to a poll conducted in April by the University of New Hampshire, Trump received 42% of the vote, while Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) received 22% and Sununu received 12%.

In the state of New Hampshire, Sununu does have a stronger electoral record than Trump does, since the New Hampshire governor won his statewide elections in both 2016 and 2020, whereas Trump lost the presidential elections in the state of New Hampshire in both of those years.

Although both of Trump’s defeats in New Hampshire were close, Sununu’s victories in 2016 and 2020 were roughly three times as decisive as Sununu’s 2016 victory.

Trump stated on Sunday that he will not take part in the first debate for the Republican nomination for president, but on Tuesday he teased that he will be “VERY BUSY TOMORROW NIGHT.”

Fox News aired the debate on Wednesday evening at 9 o’clock.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrat official announces outrageous plan to change the Second Amendment forever


Democrat leaders have never cared much for the Constitution. But many think that this has taken it a step too far.

And the Democrat official announces outrageous plan to change the Second Amendment forever.

St. Louis mayor Tishaura Jones took it a step too far when she announced her plan to ban certain guns within city limits.

Jones plans to ban AR-15s, AK-47s, and other guns inside the St. Louis city limits.

She also announced that extreme regulations on gun kits were parts of the bill as well.

She said, “We’re ready to fight like hell at the local level to prevent gun violence, protect our babies, and to keep our communities safe.”

Thankfully, Jones faces extreme backlash from other key figures in Missouri.

Attorney General Andrew Bailey has made it clear that he intends to fight against “any effort to infringe on the right of the people of Missouri to keep and bear arms.”

Senator Bill Eigel has also condemned Mrs. Jones’ actions saying, “I condemn these unconstitutional attacks on the right to bear arms in St. Louis City by the radical, leftist Mayor Tishaura Jones. Mayor Jones and the Democrat Party dynasty that has been in power for a generation in St. Louis City is proposing defunding and abandoning police, grabbing guns from lawful citizens, and making it a crime to have views that oppose her own.”

Not only is Mayor Jones proposing something absurd, but it also goes directly against the constitution and against her state’s rights.

Any attempt to infringe on the people’s right to bear arms is illegal.

Eigel, who is also a contender for the governor position, also added, ““I have always been a staunch defender of the People’s right to bear arms and against precisely the sort of local government tyranny that Mayor Jones is publicly embracing with this announcement. I will continue to stand in the way of these bad policy ideas anywhere they rear their ugly head within the borders of the Show-Me State. Let’s go, Missouri!”

Mayor Jones’ plans comes during a time when the gun control issue is extremely important in politics.

Both sides of the political spectrum have very strong opinions on gun control.

The extreme left believes that no one should have guns, and that the only way to stop death is by banning all guns.

Unfortunately for them, this idea has been disproved countless times.

In other areas where gun control is extreme, such as Chicago, the gun

violence is at an all-time high.

Mayor Jones would be doing nothing to “protect our babies” or “keep our communities safe.”

Instead, all she would be doing is removing rights from those who wish to protect themselves and their families and allowing criminals to remain unchecked.

Not only are her proposed policies dangerous, they are also very illegal.

And thankfully, the state’s levelheaded politicians have made it clear that they will not allow her plans to unfurl.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

President Biden’s motorcade ambushed in stunning attack


Politics is always a dangerous game. You never know what is right around the corner.

And President Biden’s motorcade was just ambushed in a stunning attack.

Biden finally made his way to Hawaii almost two weeks after the tragic fires that destroyed thousands of homes and killed hundreds.

Biden has made it clear leading up to his trip that he does not care about Hawaii.

From his laugh and “no comment” to his obvious delay in traveling to Hawaii, Biden has not tried to keep his feelings on Hawaii and its residents a secret.

When Biden landed in Maui on Monday, it was clear how the residents felt about him.

As his motorcade made its way through the streets, angry crowds waved their middle fingers, held signs that said “no comment”, and shouted in protest.

As Joe Biden prepared to give a scripted speech about how wonderful he was and how amazing the federal response had been, locals chanted “go home Joe.”

While Biden certainly had this response coming, and should have even expected it, I am sure he was a bit blindsided.

Hawaii has been a predominately blue state in major elections for decades, and some polls place it in the top ten most Democratic states.

Biden, I am sure was relying on sweeping Hawaii, as usual, in the 2024 election.

However, after his recent trip, he can’t be so sure.

One resident asked, “Where has the President been?”

Biden’s speech was grossly inappropriate and not at all respectful.

Biden also delivered his speech at a podium with the presidential seal, and a small table for his water bottle.

Meanwhile, the ashes of destroyed homes, businesses, and livelihoods surrounded him and served as the backdrop.

Many residents were also frustrated at how Biden arrived.

When he landed at the small airport near Lahaina, a resident remarked that there had been no other aircraft that had landed or provided any aid or supplies.

“Any number of military aircraft, planes, and helicopters could have flown in here. To leave a town that was just devastated and shut down was just ridiculous. The runway wasn’t cratered,” one resident stated.

The entire response has been terrible on the part of many officials.

The emergency alarms were not sounded in time, and there was also a delay in approval to release water to battle the deadly fires.

This has all added up to what has become the worst wildfire in US history in centuries.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Republicans made an unprecedented move that exposes key Democrat allies


Tensions between in politics are at an all-time high. But no one expected it to go this far.

And now Republicans have made an unprecedented move that exposes key Democrat allies.

Four federal agents have been subpoenaed by the House Judiciary Chair, Jim Jordan, and the House Ways & Means Chair, Jason Smith.

The four individuals include the IRS director of field operations, two FBI special agents, and an IRS special agent.

These subpoenas are part of the ongoing probe into the IRS whistleblower’s allegations of corruption regarding the investigation into Hunter Biden.

According to eyewitness accounts, these four agents were present when the Delaware District Attorney claimed that he did not have final say into whether or not charges were brought against Hunter Biden outside his district.

Two IRS agents came forward as whistleblowers and claimed that they had been pressured against investigating further into the Biden probe by “higher-ups” at the Department of Justice.

Originally Weiss was going to “forgo any prosecution of” Hunter Biden and was close to “agreeing to end the investigation without requiring a guilty plea on any charges.”

When Wiss was appointed special counsel, his position quickly changed, and he forced Biden to plead guilty on two charges and enter a deferred agreement on a third.

The entire situation surrounding Hunter is shrouded in deceit and lies.

From Joe Biden lying directly to the American people about his knowledge and involvement in his son’s doings, to politicians claiming nothing illegal happened, and now federal agents have been subpoenaed to hopefully bring the truth to light.

Jordan and Smith have questioned the timing of Weiss’ appointment and his decision to prosecute.

““The timing of this decision also comes after whistleblowers have raised serious and unchallenged allegations of impropriety in the Department’s investigation. The decision to grant Weiss special counsel status, especially in light of his handling of the case to date and his inconsistent statements to Congress about his authority, raises serious questions about the Department’s handling of this investigation, and reinforces the Committee’s need to speak with individuals with knowledge of the investigation.”

They further went on to say “Our duty is to follow the facts wherever they may lead, and our subpoenas compelling testimony from Biden administration officials are crucial to understanding how the president’s son received special treatment from federal prosecutors and who was the ultimate decision maker in the case.”

Other whistleblowers have stated that the investigation was moving purposely slowly in order to delay and impede.

Gary Shapely, an IRS employee who was present at a meeting with Weiss and others last October, has come forward to make claims about the investigation and Weiss as a whole.

Many people are frustrated at how long it is seeming to get any truth out of these federal employees and federal agencies.

The instatement of Weiss as special counsel seems to be a move in the right direction, and many are hoping that justice will be brought to Hunter Biden.

Others believe that the lies that have been uncovered are enough proof of an impeachment of Joe Biden for lying to the American people.

Past Presidents have been impeached for far less.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for developments on this breaking news story.

These disgraced Democrats were just trapped in their own web of lies


It is no secret that Democrats can be liars and cheats. They call themselves the party of the people, but nothing is further from the truth.

However, these disgraced Democrats were just trapped in their own web of lies.

Recently, news outlets have been covering the indictments of former President Donald Trump.

Democrats especially have been more or less gloating over the indictments, and Hillary went so far as to laugh at Donald Trump in an interview last week.

The Democrats cannot hide their glee. They are ecstatic that Trump is facing so much legal backlash.

However, they seem to have a memory problem.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton, the then-Democrat candidate for president, refused to acknowledge Trump won the election.

Mrs. Clinton, Stacey Adams, and countless other key Democrats have been denying every Republican presidential winner since 2000.

No Democrat has yet been prosecuted for challenging election results, but when Donald Trump does it, he faces a 41-count indictment in Georgia.

The hypocrisy here is unbelievable.

This case is no longer about elections, results, claims, etc.

This is a politically motivated and well-coordinated attack on a former President to stop him from reaching the Oval Office again.

The prosecutor in Trump’s case has made it clear that she would like to have the trial be at the most inconvenient time for Trump and right around Georgia’s general election date.

It is clear that Democrats do not care about the truth, justice, honesty, or integrity.

Instead, they care about reducing their competition and continuing to let the American people suffer.

In a time when states are burning, gas prices are outrageously high, grocery prices continue to climb, and housing is more expensive than ever, instead of doing anything to help Americans, the Democrats are using their power to prosecute a former President.

The people are frustrated and feel entirely uncared for.

When the “party of the people” forgets about the people, and instead turns into a bumbling group of hypocrites, people get upset.

When Trump was elected President in 2016, there was a huge investigation into corruption and collusion with Russia.

Trump was investigated heavily and for years, yet no evidence ever turned up against him.

When Trump investigates similar issues and doubts the validity of an election, he gets indicted on absurd charges.

What sort of joke times do we live in?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden just proved he doesn’t run the White House with one fateful decision


President Biden’s inability to serve is becoming more and more apparent. He may have already given up the reins of power.

And Biden just proved he doesn’t run the White House with one fateful decision.

Joe Biden has made it clear where his priorities are.

He has no care or sympathy for the American people, but instead is concerned only with himself.

Last week, Biden was on a beach vacation and gave a “no comment” reply when asked about the rising Maui death toll.

Americans and especially Hawaiians were outraged by this response.

Joe Biden has made it clear he has no interest in helping during the crisis in Hawaii.

Now, Joe Biden has gone on yet another vacation instead of visiting Maui.

As the death toll reaches 114 people, and rises everyday, Biden is taking yet another vacation in Nevada.

According to a report from Daily Mail, Joe Biden has spent 360 days on vacation since he has taken office; that is nearly 40% of his entire time in office.

Now, even as America burns and millions suffer, Biden yet again proves who and what he cares about.

This should be an eye-opener for all Americans.

We have a president in the White House who has no care for his country or his citizens.

Instead of making it a priority, Biden decided that he and Jill will take a break from their vacation and visit Maui Monday.

Hawaiians feel alone and uncared for as Biden is clear that he would rather be on vacation than caring for his country.

When will Biden wake up and understand his job as President of the United States?

Will Biden ever care for the American people or will he continue to forget about them and let them suffer needlessly.

Nearly 850 people are still missing because of the tragic fires and firefighters, first responders, and even locals are scrambling to provide help and aid.

The locals are doing more to help than the government has at this point, and many worry that the little hope they do get will be purely for media attention.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this story and more.

The U.S. Supreme Court is falling apart at the seams after this report hit the public


The current Supreme Court has handed down some major rulings recently. But not everything is as it appears.

Because the Supreme Court is now falling apart at the seams after this report hit the public.

Earlier this year before the end of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2022-2023 session, the Highest Court in the land handed down a ruling that effectively outlawed Affirmative Action.

U.S. institutions can no longer use race as a factor in admissions after the ruling by the Supreme Court. The conservative six-justice supermajority’s decision to strike down admissions policies at Harvard and the University of North Carolina was divided along ideological lines.

This ruling overturns years of precedent supported by Republican-appointed majorities on the Supreme Court. It eliminates the option for schools, both public and private, to take racial makeup into account alongside other criteria when selecting students for admission.

This was obviously a huge loss for the radical Left, who want to continue to be the true racists and consider someone’s skin color when taking an application into account.

But, while the ruling has already brought major changes, certain public institutions are trying to skirt the law as the Supreme Court interprets it.

A school in Virginia, Thomas Jefferson High School, changed their rules of admissions back in 2020 that made it much more difficult for Asian Americans to get accepted into the school because of their skin color.

Of course, that should now be illegal according to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on Affirmative Action, but the school is not changing anything.

The new admissions policies include completely ridding the school of standardized entry tests, a major carving out of any sort of meritocracy.

The school was brought to court and the Federal District Court in Alexandria initially ruled that the new rules were “racially motivated” and were implemented to bring about “racial balancing.”

In May, though, the U.S. Court of Appeals in the Fourth Circuit overturned the Federal District Court of Alexandria, saying that the new admissions policies were acceptable and constitutional.

This was all before the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in June that ruled that any consideration of race for admissions to public institutions is now unconstitutional.

Now, a legal organization called The Pacific Legal Foundation, is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to reconsider this lower court ruling.

The court document reads “The longer this question is not resolved… the more incentive school districts (and now universities) will have to develop workarounds that enable them to racially discriminate without using racial classifications.”

The court filing goes on to say that the new admissions policies of the high school are specifically designed to get the “same results as overt racial discrimination.”

It’s interesting how the radical Left has reacted in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling that racial bias being used in school admissions is unconstitutional.

The Democrats claim to be the Party of inclusion and anti-racism, and yet they are losing their minds about the fact that they won’t be able to discriminate against certain groups like Asian Americans.

And now it appears they are going so far as to defy a direct order from the U.S. Supreme Court.

Make no mistake about it, this is an attack on the legitimacy of the U.S. Supreme Court, and unless the Court will not be able to withstand these attacks alone.

The legal system of the United States, of which the Supreme Court is the head, will tear in two if these defiances continue.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden betrays America in this shocking move


The fight for America is well underway. And things are getting much worse than anyone expected.

And now Biden has betrayed America with one shocking move.

Things have been very bleak in recent weeks as many border states and sanctuary cities are declaring emergencies over the Biden border crisis.

Biden has done an excellent job of overwhelming cities and states with immigrants in many cases illegally.

He has not set up any infrastructure or funding to help with this massive influx of hundreds of thousands of new migrants.

This has been the perfect recipe for disaster as many Democratic cities and states are declaring emergencies and begging for aid from the White House.

However, Biden’s most recent move is not exactly what they had in mind.

It is no secret that the border wall construction stopped when Biden took office, but many have assumed that given the growing emergencies in recent days, Biden would step up to help with the border crisis.

Instead, Biden is doing the exact opposite.

The White House has begun to auction off the unused sections of the border wall instead of using or storing them.

Senator Joni Ernst is co-sponsoring a bill called the “Finish It Act.”

Senator Roger Wicker said that the “sale is a wasteful and ludicrous decision by the Biden administration that only serves as further proof that they have no shame.”

Senator Tom Cotton who is also co-sponsoring the bill claims that “leaving the border open to terrorists while selling border security materials at a loss is Bidenomics in a nutshell.”

Illegal border crossings have seen a 33% increase over the last month, and even a number of key Democrat figures are begging Biden and the White House administration for help.

Even as crime skyrockets and tens of thousands of migrants flood cities and overrun areas, Biden refuses to do anything to help America.

Joe Biden cares more about foreign citizens than the American people.

Biden might be fooling himself but even as more Democrats call for a change, will Biden listen?

This is not an issue that can be ignored anymore.

This is also not an issue for just the border states.

The troubling border crisis has extended to all parts of America and is affecting the everyday American.

Regardless of opinions on immigration, everyone should be able to agree that the current administration’s approach to the border is terrible and harmful.

It is time to hold Biden accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more news and headlines.

Top official blindsides Biden with a chilling warning


Biden’s failures are coming back to bite him. Americans nationwide are terrified.

And now, a top official blindsides Biden with a chilling warning.

Americans are worried and they have been for the past few years, as the United States economy has taken a downward turn since Joe Biden took office.

Biden has promised relief multiple times, and in recent months has boasted lower inflation rates.

Amidst these promises, everyday citizens feel little to no relief as prices and cost of living continue to sky rocket.

Even as Biden has repeatedly promised that things will get better, other top officials are saying the exact opposite thing.

One top official grimly stated that, “things will continue to get worse before they can get better.”

Piper Sandler chief global economist, Nancy Lazar, has warned Americans to “save your pennies.”

Speaking on rising prices of food, fuel, and almost everything else, Lazar said “in order to get those down, unfortunately, it classically does take an outright decline in economic activity or recession.”

“It will be painful. Mild recessions are an oxymoron. Recessions aren’t mild because the unemployment rate always increases.”

This is a scary reality for Americans even as they are being tricked by Biden.

Biden has been repeatedly lying to the American people and telling us that everything will be fine.

He keeps championing the “inflation reduction act” and boasting how much he is helping Americans.

He calls it “Bidenomics”, and the American people hate it.

While Biden continues to lie to the American people, other top officials are speaking the truth.

Even though it is refreshing to hear the truth, many Americans have been blindsided by the reality, as they believed Biden.

Lazar said that “in 2022 there was way too much government spending for an economy that was on a strong runway.”

This declaration comes just shortly after another top leader very similarly stated that the inflation and crippling economy was a direct result of over-the-top government spending.

Even as the average American continues to struggle, the Biden administration continues to spend.

They have no care for the citizens, and it is made increasingly.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this developing story.

The GOP descended into madness after Donald Trump made this statement


RINOs are fighting for relevance as Trump leads the Republican primary pack. They were never expecting this.

And the GOP descended into madness after Donald Trump made this statement.

This week, the first round of debates will take place for the Republican presidential primary.

But one man stands above the rest, and that’s former President Donald Trump.

He is far and away the most popular candidate, but he made an announcement that sent heads rolling.

Former President Donald Trump revealed on Sunday that he will not attend the Republican presidential primary debate in Milwaukee on Wednesday — and intimated that he may also skip the others.

“The public knows who I am & what a successful Presidency I had,” Trump announced on Truth Social Sunday. “I WILL THEREFORE NOT BE DOING THE DEBATES!”

It’s unclear whether the former president intends to skip every debate during the campaign.

In order to participate in the debates, the Republican National Committee has required each candidate to sign a promise to support the eventual nominee.

Trump has declined to sign the pledge.

For weeks, Trump has hinted that he will miss the debates, with reports over the weekend claiming that he has decided to meet with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson instead of participating in Wednesday’s debate in Milwaukee.

According to The New York Times, that interview has already been taped and will run online at the same time as the debate.

Recent polls compiled by RealClearPolitics show that the 45th president is currently at 55.5% and leading the Republican field by a margin of 41 percentage points.

His nearest rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, is trailing at 14.5%.

For months, Trump has said that his overwhelming lead over the Republican field means he has little to gain from participating in a debate.

Opponents have targeted the attitude, with one advertising from a DeSantis-supporting super PAC saying, “We can’t afford a nominee who is too weak to debate.”

“Why would I allow people at 1 or 2% and 0% to be hitting me with questions all night?” he said in June during a Fox News host and debate moderator Bret Baier.

“No one is entitled to this nomination, including Donald Trump. You have to show up and earn it,” a spokesperson for DeSantis’ campaign posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Sunday.

Trump has flatly rejected such positions.

“It’s not a question of guts. It’s a question of intelligence,” he said in an interview with Eric Bolling of Newsmax.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Investigation exposes top Democrats’ secret plan for America


House investigations are extremely common. Many times, they are used solely for political gain.

But this investigation exposed top Democrats’ secret plan for America.

A recent report has shown that House Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee are investigating tax-exempt groups tampering with elections.

An investigation has shown that there have been traces of election fraud and the funneling of foreign money in order to sway US elections.

House representatives Jason Smith and David Schweikert wrote an open letter than further elaborates on these concerns.

They believe that certain actions by tax-exempt groups may have funded fraudulent election activities.

“The Committee has learned that a Super Political Action Committee (PAC) recommended donations to 501(c)(3) organizations as ‘the single most effective tactic for ensuring Democratic victories’ and that large donations from a wealthy donor to state election offices in 2020 may have been done in a manner that helps one political party over another. Additionally, the Committee has also found that significant amounts of foreign money is flowing through 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations to influence elections.”

The letter sought input on the current congressional and IRS regulations regarding these areas.

They asked if there “any tax-exempt organizations whose voter education or registration activities you suspect might have had the effect of favoring a candidate or group of candidates which would constitute prohibited participation or intervention? If yes, please describes [sic] those activities?”

The representatives claimed that there was a significant amount of work that needed to be done in order to stop tax-exempt organizations working with Democrats to commit election fraud.

Rep. Tenney stated that she was “going to look into whether they’re abusing the IRS rules in order to get all kinds of money, whether it’s foreign money or Sam Bankman-Fried‘s mother funneling money in there to target certain types of voters in certain demographics in swing states to make sure that they get those vote votes in.”

In 2020, the Technology and Civic Life as well as the Center for Election Innovation and Research received a massive amount of election funding that unfairly benefited Democrat counties.

Both of these groups are funded heavily by Mark Zuckerberg who gave around 419 million dollars to them in 2020 for the election.

A report posted by the Government Accountability Foundation describes the funding as heavily favoring blue counties.

An average of $7.13 was spent per voter in blue counties whereas only an average of $1.91 was spent per voter in red counties.

The letter states, “We are concerned about the possibility that foreign nationals are influencing our elections by indirectly donating millions of dollars to organizations that spend on behalf of or against candidates for public office without concern about disclosure requirements that would shed light on how exactly their funds are being used.”

This is a frightening accusation in a time such as this.

With top Democrats heavily investigating election fraud themselves and with the recent indictment in Georgia, many wonder if this is the Democrat’s way of covering up their own election fraud.

Even as they try and point fingers at Trump and his supporters, Democrats are caught up in election fraud themselves.

A frightening realization for Americans as they feel that American democracy truly is under attack.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more breaking news.