Biden has been hit with massive legal problems following his newest order

Joe Biden has had his fair share of horrible executive orders. But does this one take the cake?

Now Biden has been hit with massive legal problems following his newest order.

Biden recently signed a “landmark” executive order that in his opinion will change the world of AI for the better, but experts are saying something different.

Biden has unveiled this recent attempt at regulating AI and the executive order has drawn mixed reactions from people, but experts who understand AI have a stark warning for Biden and the American people.

Christopher Alexander, chief analytics officer of Pioneer Development Group, stated, “One key area the Biden AI [executive order] is focused on includes the provision of ‘testing data’ for review by the federal government. If this provision allows the federal government a way to examine the ‘black box’ algorithms that could lead to a biased AI algorithm.”

He added that “since core algorithms are proprietary, there really is no other way to provide oversight and commercial protections. At the same time, this needs to be a bipartisan, technocratic effort that checks political ideology at the door or this will likely make the threat of AI worse rather than mitigate it.”

Biden has called the order the “most sweeping actions ever taken to protect Americans from the potential risks of AI systems.”

However, many people are wondering what this executive order really does and what it will mean for the protection of the American people.

Fox News reports that “The executive order will require AI developers to share safety test results with the government, create standards to monitor and ensure the safety of AI, and erect guardrails meant to protect Americans’ privacy as AI technology rapidly grows.”

While there are some positive aspects to the order, overall, many people and informed experts are worried that they are addressing the wrong issues.

Jon Schweppe who is the policy director of American Principles Project told Fox News that some parts of the executive order are focused “on the wrong priorities.”

Schweppe said, “There’s a role for direct government oversight over AI, especially when it comes to scientific research and homeland security.”

He then added, “But ultimately we don’t need government bureaucrats micromanaging all facets of the issue. Certainly, we shouldn’t want a Bureau of Artificial Intelligence running around conducting investigations into whether a company’s AI algorithm is adequately ‘woke.’”

“AI companies and their creators should be held liable for everything their AI does, and Congress should create a private right of action giving citizens their day in court when AI harms them in a material way,” stated Schweppe.

“This fear of liability would lead to self-correction in the marketplace — we wouldn’t need government-approved authentication badges because private companies would already be going out of their way to protect themselves from being sued,” he added.

Other experts such as Ziven Havens, policy director of the Bull Moose Project, stated that he had concerns regarding “how long it will take to develop this guidance.”

He emphasized the importance of staying ahead of the AI curve and added, “Falling behind in the AI race due to a slow and inefficient bureaucracy will amount to total failure.”

Once again Joe Biden is passing executive order that will do very little to benefit the average American, and instead is passing things to make himself look better in the public eye.

This is a critical issue in the nation and one that should be addressed, but Biden’s order did very little to actually help in any instance.

The American people need leaders who will support them and protect them instead of merely trying to do things for a public image.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH even as the Left will not.

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