Biden makes disgusting joke that has all hell breaking loose

Joe Biden and his lackeys have no class. It gets them in a world of trouble constantly.

And Biden made this disgusting joke that has all hell breaking loose.

Remember the beginning of 2020?

Back then, Americans were told they would need to shelter in place for two weeks until we could get a grip on the COVID-19 pandemic.

What resulted was nothing short of a complete abuse of power by the United States government.

Americans were subject to crippling regulations and guidelines that were never put up for a vote through Congress.

Years of American economic and psychological damage were inflicted to protect from something with a death rate similar to the flu.

If you didn’t wear a mask or get vaccinated, you were ostracized and labeled a “grandma killer” or worse.

You would think Democrats and Joe Biden would tread lightly with their words now that millions of Americans are fuming mad about it.

But no, that’s not the Democrat way.

After being exposed to COVID-19, President Joe Biden joked about not wearing a mask, despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendation.

“Let me explain to the press: I’ve been tested again today,” Biden remarked at the White House on Wednesday.

“I’m clear across the board, but they keep telling me because this has to be 10 days or something, I’ve got to keep wearing it, but don’t tell them I didn’t have it on when I walked in.”

Biden’s remarks came minutes after White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre emphasized the importance of following CDC guidelines and “the science.”

After being exposed to COVID-19 through first wife Jill Biden, Biden was chastised last Tuesday for removing his mask to deliver the Medal of Honor to Army Capt. Larry Taylor.

“He left when there was a pause in the program in order to minimize his close contact with attendees,” Jean-Pierre explained.

Biden will be tested for COVID-19 again on Thursday before departing for India and Vietnam, according to the press secretary, but he has not complained of any symptoms.

Jean-Pierre declined to get into specifics on what would happen if Biden tested positive before the Group of 20 leaders summit in New Delhi, such as whether Vice President Kamala Harris, who is now in Indonesia, would attend in his place, but she did suggest he would wear a mask.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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