GOP lawmakers make a disturbing discovery in liberal state

The Radical Left knows how to destroy America. But, many people are doing their best to oppose them.

And now, GOP lawmakers have made a disturbing discovery in a liberal state.

New York’s state budget negotiations have taken a turn, with Senate Republicans unveiling an alternative proposal that diverges significantly from Governor Kathy Hochul’s plan.

Education funding and policies regarding undocumented immigrants have emerged as key points of contention.

The Republican proposal champions increased funding for education, emphasizing the need to address pandemic-related learning losses and support educators.

They criticize Governor Hochul’s budget for cuts to schools and argue that additional resources are necessary for programs targeting student needs.

The GOP has particularly gone after the Democrat government for choosing to house illegal immigrants in schools.

Senate Minority Leader Roy Ortt said in a recent statement, “The migrant crisis continues to get worse because the Democrats refuse to put an end to wrongheaded sanctuary city policies.”

He continued, “Education should always be among the top priorities for state government, and the Senate Republican Conference is committed to ensuring that New Yorkers’ hard-earned tax dollars help schools obtain the resources they need.”

A major point of contention is the “hold harmless” provision, which guarantees stable funding for school districts regardless of enrollment fluctuations.

While Governor Hochul proposes its removal, citing potential inequities, Republicans strongly advocate for its retention, particularly for rural districts relying on consistent funding.

Republicans also voiced concerns about the budget’s $2.4 billion allocation for housing undocumented immigrants.

They argue this diverts resources from education and criticize what they view as misguided “open border” policies contributing to the influx.

Ortt stated, “The Governor’s budget is yet another example of the complete disregard for New York families and taxpayers.”

“$4.3 billion over two years will be used to address the migrant crisis that was caused by open borders and sanctuary city policies supported by Democrats.”

He continued, “At the same time, they are stripping millions of dollars from rural and suburban school districts. We are tired of misplaced priorities from Albany’s One-Party Rule, and our conference will fight to get all school districts the funding they deserve.”

Other Republican leaders echoed the sentiment saying, “While school children fell behind because of misguided policies during the pandemic, Governor Hochul and her radical allies support spending billions of dollars on illegal migrants instead of students who deserve a top-notch education.”

It has been once again made increasingly clear that the Radical Left does not care about America, and they certainly do not care about our children.

With budget approval deadlines approaching, both sides maintain their positions.

Republicans threaten to block the budget without revisions addressing their concerns, while Democrats continue to prioritize illegal aliens over our own citizens.

We must stand up for America, and we cannot allow the Left to continue their destruction.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more TRUTH in the news.

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