House Republicans face extreme opposition from one key figure

The first speakership vote failed, and Jim Jordan fell short of the necessary votes to secure the position. Many are wondering how Republicans can rally around Jordan.

But now House Republicans are facing extreme opposition from a key figure in their own party.

During the first ballot on Tuesday, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise voted for Jim Jordan, like he said he would, but now things are getting heated.

Kevin McCarthy was removed as Speaker of the House on October 3rd, and since then, the House has not had a speaker.

The candidates vying for the speakership were quickly narrowed down to mainly just Scalise and Jordan in the Republican party.

Scalise originally won the nomination but then stepped down as it was clear he would not receive enough votes to secure the position.

Jordan then stepped up and presented himself again. House Republicans voted for him on the first ballot, however, Jordan fell short of the votes needed within his own party.

Now, it has come out that Scalise is trying to undermine Jordan for the position.

One reporter noted that Scalise was “Not being a team player” after his failed bid and after the first ballot failed for Jordan.

Breitbart reported that Scalise “who failed in his own speakership bid last week is the leader of the subversion against the Republican conference and Speaker-designee Jim Jordan.”

There seems to be a significant amount of tension between the two representatives, and many are wondering how it will play out and how this will affect future votes.

One report says some of the tension stems from Scalise failing to promise to give Jordan a nominating vote even though Jordan promised to do so for Scalise if need be.

One Twitter user and Conservative activist stated that Scalise was “doing his favorite thing to do – backstabbing.”

She went on further to say, “Scalise is pretending to support Jim Jordan but is organizing the ones that refuse to vote for Jordan. He voted for Jordan, but is encouraging others not to behind the scene.”

Countless other credible sources have come forward to paint Scalise as a backstabber, and some have even called for his removal as House Majority Leader.

A spokesperson for Scalise claimed, “Leader Scalise has been the only candidate throughout this process who has publicly declared he will be supportive of whomever the conference nominates for Speaker, and his position has not changed. He voted for Jim Jordan on the floor and will continue to do so.”

Republicans are hoping that is the truth and that Scalise will truly be supportive of whomever the nominee is so that our nation can start to heal.

Americans are desperate for a strong leader, and we know we aren’t going to be getting it from the White House while Biden is in control.

So, many of us look to the House for leadership that will help America and the people.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates to this developing story.

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