Major FBI official pleads guilty to disgraceful crime

The FBI has been plagued with corruption for years. But this could end things.

And a major FBI official pleads guilty to a disgraceful crime.

The FBI has been in and out of the news in recent years investigating presidents, former presidents, top aides, etc.

The hypocrisy of the Democrats has always been extreme.

When Donald Trump won the election in 2016, Democrats were quick to point to Russian collusion and have Trump investigated.

Not surprisingly, nothing turned up and the Democrats made fools of themselves.

However, a new development paints a very interesting picture.

An ex-FBI official who was a leading part in investigating Trump, has now pleaded guilty himself to conspiring with a Russian Oligarch.

This blows a hole in the Democrat’s angle.

For years they have been pushing their agenda and trying desperately to catch Trump in a lie or find any evidence of him colluding with Russia.

They have found nothing, and every investigation has cleared Trump completely.

Now, ironically, a leading FBI official who was tasked with the investigation of Trump has pled guilty to what he was investigating Trump for.

He has pled guilty to specifically “conspiring to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act” and “conspiring to commit money laundering”.

The reason for these acts was that the official, Charles McGonigal, was colluding with a Russian oligarch attempting to get him removed from the US sanctions list.

This FBI official has broken his vow to defend the Constitution and has been found guilty of doing the very thing Democrats wanted him to catch Donald Trump doing.

It is a strange turn of events from what Democrats surely hoped.

What is even stranger is that McGonigal is now the fourth FBI official investigating the Trump-Russia collusion to face criminal charges or be investigated.

McGonigal also faces multiple charges for receiving money from Russia to investigate a rival Russian oligarch.

All of their investigations have either turned nothing up, cleared Trump, or backfired and led to the investigation against them.

When will Democrats learn?

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