Ron DeSantis has one warning for Leftist companies trying to cross the First Amendment

The First and Second amendments have been the focus of much hate in the eyes of Leftists over the years. They can’t stand that the constitution guarantees rights that they can’t tread on.

That’s why Ron DeSantis sent off this warning shot to any Leftist company that is trying to cross the First Amendment.

Elon Musk, the founder of Twitter, said earlier this week that Apple was threatening to “withhold” the platform’s software from the AppStore and refused to explain why.

Of course, while Apple may not want to explain why they tried to keep Twitter hostage, it’s evident to everyone who has been paying attention that they were the Democrats’ last fight against Musk’s efforts to protect free speech on the network.

And if it wasn’t, Musk’s revelation that Apple “has mostly stopped advertising on Twitter,” a step significant left-wing companies have made to oppose free speech on the network, surely brought it to light.

Apple, on the other hand, controls more than 55% of the US smartphone market and has formed its own monopoly through the AppStore, where they function as judge, jury, and executioner – only apps considered worthy by Apple are authorized.

In fact, in addition to regulating which apps their customers may use on the phones, they pay hundreds of dollars for, Apple levies a hidden 30% tax on app developers, as Musk was quick to point out.

While Democrats and the corporate-controlled media applauded Apple’s oppression, not everyone was thrilled to see an American firm fight against free expression.

During a news conference, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis chimed in on the issue over Apple’s app market monopoly, even suggesting that Congressional action might be warranted.

Governor DeSantis, who had previously expressed support for Musk’s efforts to transform Twitter into a free speech platform, began by explaining why Apple was taking this step.

“You also hear reports that Apple is threatening to remove Twitter from the App Store because Elon Musk is actually opening it up for free speech and is restoring a lot of accounts that were unfairly and illegitimately suspended for putting out accurate information about COVID,” DeSantis noted.

“That’s like one of the main things that’s being reinstated,” he added. “So many things, these experts were wrong and you had people on Twitter that were calling that out and Twitter, the old regime and Twitter, their response was to try to just suffocate the dissent.”

“And Elon Musk knows that’s not a winning formula, and so he’s providing free speech,” the Florida Governor said.

He said that Apple’s response to Musk’s unashamed defense of the principle of free speech is “nuking them from the App Store.”

DeSantis, of course, was correct in his assessment of the situation, but he went on to warn Apple that they could be making a “huge, huge mistake.”

The Governor stated that removing Twitter from the AppStore would be a “raw exercise of monopolistic power that I think would merit a response from the United States Congress.”

“And so don’t be a vassal of the CCP on one hand, and then use your corporate power in the United States on the other to suffocate Americans and try to suppress their right to express themselves,” DeSantis concluded.

Many Americans want Governor DeSantis to run for President in 2024 because of his bold, principled leadership.

And, with an increasing number of Americans unhappy of the elites’ and corporations’ power over them, Ron DeSantis’ drawing a large red line in the sand on Apple’s monopoly may pay benefits in the Republican Primary.

Stay tuned to the Federalist Wire.

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