Shocking development in GOP race as new candidate jumps into the mix

With all the news in the nation, it is easy to forget that we are rapidly approaching the next presidential election. And many people are excited at the notion of not having to suffer through Joe Biden anymore.

However, a shocking development in GOP race as new candidate jumps into the mix.

The GOP race has been an interesting one so far with lots of movement in the polls, and people are already dropping out of the race.

For the longest time, Donald Trump was the clear leader in the polls, and Governor Ron DeSantis was the runner-up, and that is just the way it was.

But now, DeSantis seems to have a challenger for second place.

Donald Trump remains the clear leader in the polls, but Nikki Haley has jumped up to challenge Ron DeSantis for second place.

The former South Carolina governor has had an amazing fall so far and her numbers across all of the polls continue to climb.

She is seeing growing support in critical early vote states, and many are speculating what that means for the GOP race.

Haley told reporters: “We can feel the momentum on the ground” following a town hall in Rochester, New Hampshire.

In the past month, Nikki Haley has doubled her support (from 5% to 10%) while DeSantis has remained completely motionless at 13%.

According to polls in Iowa, Haley is still in third place by 3% behind DeSantis, however in polls in New Hampshire, she holds second place.

Citing these new polls, Haley said, “We can feel it in Iowa. We can feel it in New Hampshire. We can feel it in South Carolina.”

Haley also claimed that her rise in the polls had helped her significantly among the GOP donor class.

She was seen on Tuesday mingling with top Republican donors at a summit in Utah that was hosted by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

A source claimed that the meetings with potential donors were very positive and Haley herself stated, “We do have donor interest wanting to help us.”

But she went on further to say, “We’re keeping our head down. We’re very focused. We want to earn every Iowan’s vote. We want to earn every Granite Stater’s vote. And we want to make sure we get to South Carolina and we earn their votes and we’re not going to stop until we do it.”

DeSantis was asked by Fox News if he was concerned regarding the idea of him “flatlining” in the polls.

However, DeSantis did not seem worried and said “we’re doing it right.”

He reiterated his point saying, “You talk to people, what they will tell you is, man, you’re way ahead of where the previous Iowa caucus winners are in terms of the organization, the amount of support, all that. You got to earn it. You got to show up, and you got to do it.”

He claimed, “I can tell you for what we’ve been able to do in Iowa, I would not trade places with any other candidate.”

And DeSantis’s campaign has claimed that “no one is working harder in Iowa to take their message directly to voters than Ron DeSantis.”

Whatever happens between Haley and DeSantis will surely be interesting and exciting to follow, but the truth of the matter is that Donald Trump is still the clear frontrunner in the polls at a staggering 59%.

Any candidate will be hard-pressed to challenge the former president for the GOP nomination.

Americans are hoping that the strongest candidate will be presented and that American will be returned to the great nation that it once was.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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