Squad member makes a shocking call that has Democrats horrified

Members of the “squad” are the most Radical Leftists this country has ever seen. But they have made a number of disgusting decisions.

And now, a squad member has made a shocking call that has left Democrats horrified.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) ignited a firestorm of debate on Saturday with her call for Democrats in Michigan to vote “uncommitted” in the upcoming presidential primary.

This move was fueled by the conflict between Hamas and Israel and Tlaib’s anti-semitic and pro-terrorism opinions.

Her call has sparked conversations about political representation, protest strategies, and the effectiveness of symbolic actions.

In a statement posted on X by the Listen to Michigan campaign, Tlaib expressed frustration with the Biden administration’s approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Decrying the support for Israel’s actions and emphasizing the need for peace and protection of life, she declared, “We don’t want a country that supports wars and bombs and destruction.”

She said, “It is important as you all know, to not only march against the genocide. Not only making sure we are calling our members of congress, and local electeds, and passing resolutions all throughout our country. It is also important to create a voting bloc.”

Beyond peaceful protests and lobbying, Tlaib saw the “uncommitted” vote as a powerful tool to amplify their voices and achieve visibility.

“This is the way you can raise our voices, to make us even more visible,” she stated, highlighting their feeling of being “neglected and just unseen by our government.”

Tlaib has led the effort among Democrats to express their dissatisfaction with Joe Biden’s actions in Gaza.

Biden has funded humanitarian aid and supported Israel’s war on terrorists, yet the Radical Left hates Israel and Jews, so they are calling for more hatred.
The “Listen to Michigan” campaign has said “Right now he’s not representing the vast majority of Democrats who want a ceasefire and an end to his funding of Israel’s war in Gaza,” about Joe Biden.

However, Tlaib’s stance didn’t resonate with all.

Many Democrats criticized the tactic, arguing that it disenfranchises voters and weakens the party.

Others highlighted the severity of the issue and acknowledged Israel’s struggles to protect their own from the Hamas terrorist horror.

Talib was censored by the House of Representatives in November because of her antisemitic comments where she called for genocide and used the phrase “from the river to the sea.”

The Radical Left hates America, they hate freedom, and they hate peace.

They are shooting themselves in the foot by continually calling for genocide in Israel.

They are also completely splitting their voter base, and it is becoming increasingly clear that Joe Biden has absolutely no chance of beating Trump.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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