The White House went up in flames after this top Democrat switched parties

The Democrat Party is bleeding members. Their agenda just isn’t sitting well with their members anymore.

And the White House went up in flames after this top Democrat switched parties.

The problem with the Democrats is that they keep pushing the envelope further and further Left.

And if you don’t accept the liberal orthodoxy of the day, you’ll be labelled everything from a bigot to a domestic terrorist.

This clear cut dividing line has send many in the party packing for greener pastures.

Republicans can add another one to their ranks after today.

Democrats were dealt another blow this week as another state legislator announced his departure from the party.

According to The Advocate, a Louisiana-based daily, state Rep. Jeremy LaCombe announced on Monday that he was leaving the Democratic Party and would be registering as a Republican.

It was unclear what caused LaCombe’s defection, but he is now the second Louisiana Democrat to switch parties in less than a month, and the third overall after another state senator in North Carolina did the same.

Last month, Louisiana state Rep. Francis Thompson switched parties, giving Republicans a supermajority in the state House, and earlier this month, North Carolina state Rep. Tricia Cotham switched parties, giving Republicans a supermajority in the state House as well.

According to a recent Fox News poll, President Biden has a near-record low approval rating among key groups, including women (43% now vs. 42% low), voters ages 45+ (41% vs. 39% low), suburban voters (41% vs. 39% low), rural voters (31% vs. 30% low), and Democrats (81% vs. 78% low), with Democratic men in particular (79% vs. 78% low).

Biden likewise has a poor approval rating of 41% among suburban women.

Furthermore, according to a another poll, only one-third of Americans feel Biden deserves to be re-elected in 2024.

This comes on the heels of Joe Biden giving a half announcement of running for a second term.

President Biden announced on Monday that he is “planning on” running for re-election next year but is not yet ready to launch his campaign.

Mr. Biden’s 2024 ambitions have been a source of speculation for months, with top aides covertly planning a campaign. Yet, the president has not made a final decision.

NBC News’ Al Roker asked Mr. Biden at the White House Easter egg roll if he wanted to stay in the White House after 2024.

“I’m planning on running, Al,” Mr. Biden said. “But we’re not prepared to announce it yet.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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