This $1,500,000 election contribution made by George Soros has landed him in serious trouble

George Soros is a major supporter of left-wing initiatives in the United States. In the final days of the campaign, some of those links are coming back to haunt the Left.

And this $1,500,000 election contribution made by George Soros has landed him in serious trouble.

Arizona Democrat Senator Mark Kelly raised more than $70 million this election, but his advantage over Donald Trump-endorsed Republican Blake Masters dwindled owing to voters’ concerns about his support for Joe Biden’s socialist spending and open immigration plan.

Despite the fact that establishment RINOs like Mitch McConnell withdrew funds from Masters in the hopes of assisting Democrats in winning the election, a new CIVIQS poll found the race to be deadlocked at 49 percent.

One of the major factors driving Democrats down is their support for defunding the police.

Kelly is under fire for his connections to the Soros-funded Live United for Change Group, which paid canvassers $350,000 to knock on doors and turn out the vote for Democrats.

According to the Washington Free Beacon:

A dark money group that wants to defund police and abolish federal immigration agencies has poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into the Arizona Senate race, providing a last-minute boost for Democratic senator Mark Kelly, whose once-sizable lead has evaporated ahead of Election Day.

Living United for Change in Arizona has spent nearly $350,000 since Oct. 21 to help the Kelly campaign, according to Federal Election Commission records. The expenditures have gone to pay wages for canvassers to knock on doors in the Grand Canyon State to turn out the vote for Kelly.

In the aftermath of the Black Lives Matter insurgency, Live United for Change was one of the early backers of defunding the police.

A Facebook post from Live United for Change in Arizona on June 2, 2020, clearly called for the defunding of the police.

“Tomorrow the Phoenix City Council will vote to adopt their tentative annual budget. Phoenix has one of the deadliest police forces in the country and their violence has been on full display during the past week of protesting. The police budget should be going to programs and services that will create healthy communities. The police do not protect or serve us. We need to show up tomorrow to demand that the city council defund police,” the post read.

Kelly’s get-out-the-vote operation on behalf of Live United for Change channeled money to numerous of his allies.

“While the Kelly campaign does not directly work with Living United on the canvassing effort, Living United has paid $210,000 to FieldCorps, a consulting firm with links to Kelly. Francisco Heredia, a Mesa city councilman who owns FieldCorps, has campaigned this year for Kelly. The Kelly campaign lists Heredia as a member of its “Latinos for Kelly Coalition.” 

Living United paid another $138,546 to ADP Payroll to cover wages for canvassers, according to campaign finance disclosures,” the Free Beacon also reported.

George Soros’ Open Society Foundation contributed $1,500,000 to Live United for Change in 2019.

Now, their support for defunding the cops could be crucial in one of America’s tightest Senate elections.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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