This Leftist just got caught committing an act of terrorism

The Democrat Party is filled with radicals who will do anything to get their way. No one should be surprised they’d resort to violence.

And this Leftist just got caught committing an act of terrorism.

The radical Left has no qualms with using violence to intimidate anyone into falling in line with their agenda.

Just take a look at the summer of 2020, when Black Lives Matter and Antifa militants burned down American cities and caused billions in property damage.

Democrats in office like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were telling us they “have no choice” but to riot.

Meanwhile, anyone involved with the events of January 6th has been labelled an “insurrectionist” and a “threat to Democracy.”

But Leftist’s can’t hide from the fact that they are the ones inflicting violence on American people – and that’s all the more clear now.

Authorities arrested a staff attorney at the Southern Poverty Law Center, a left-wing civil rights organization notorious for labeling mainstream conservative and Christian nonprofits “hate groups,” on terrorism charges on Sunday, claiming he participated in a violent riot at a training center near Atlanta in which agitators threw rocks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police.

In a statement issued Monday evening, the SPLC admitted that an employee had been arrested, but claimed that he was serving as a legal observer for the National Lawyers Guild. Every police arrest on Sunday was criticized by the guild as an example of “ongoing state repression and violence against racial and environmental justice protesters,” while the SPLC condemned escalating “policing tactics against protesters.” Neither group expressly claimed that the observer had not been violent toward police officers.

According to DeKalb County Prison records, Thomas Webb Jurgens was detained on Sunday by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, who described him as a 6-foot male with brown hair and brown eyes. Jurgens is charged with “domestic terrorism.”

According to LinkedIn, Tom Jurgens has been a staff attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center since 2021, after graduating from the University of Georgia School of Law in 2019.

Jurgens is listed as a member in good standing on the State Bar of Georgia’s website. According to a state bar spokesperson, the bar can only sanction a lawyer for personal activity if the practitioner is convicted of a felony. The bar does not publicly comment on grievances since they are private.

Thomas Webb Jurgens is listed as a “Active Member in Good Standing” on the State Bar of Georgia’s website.

During the disturbance, authorities detained 35 people, charging 23 with domestic terrorism. The name Jurgens occurs on the list.

“On March 5, 2023, a group of violent agitators used the cover of a peaceful protest of the proposed Atlanta Public Safety Training Center to conduct a coordinated attack on construction equipment and police officers,” Atlanta police said in a statement released Sunday. “They changed into black clothing and entered the construction area and began to throw large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police officers.”

According to CNN, protesters staged “Cop City” rallies, arguing that the new training center will promote militaristic policing and destroy the environment.

The agitators “destroyed multiple pieces of construction equipment by fire and vandalism,” according to police.

“The agitators’ illegal actions could have resulted in bodily harm,” authorities added. “Officers exercised restraint and used nonlethal enforcement to conduct arrests.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which plots “hate groups” alongside Ku Klux Klan chapters on a map, did not immediately respond to The Daily Signal’s request for comment.

Yet, the SPLC and the guild issued an united statement hours later.

“On Sunday, law enforcement detained at least 35 demonstrators in Atlanta, including an NLG Legal Observer,” according to the National Lawyers Guild. “All of these arrests are part of ongoing state repression and violence against racial and environmental justice protesters, who are fighting to defend their communities from the harms of militarized policing and environmental degradation.”

“Each of these instances, including the many protesters charged with domestic terrorism, make clear that law enforcement views movement activists as enemies of the state,” the guild added. “As trained witnesses of police conduct, NLG Legal Observers serve an important role in supporting movement organizers and activists. NLG is proud to contribute in whatever ways we can to advancing the critical work of our movement allies advocating for liberation and community care. NLG remains in solidarity with the movement to Stop Cop City.”

“An employee at the SPLC was arrested while acting — and identifying — as a legal observer on behalf of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG),” the center stated. “The employee is an experienced legal observer, and their arrest is not evidence of any crime, but of heavy-handed law enforcement intervention against protesters.”

The SPLC condemned the arrest as “part of a months-long escalation of policing tactics against protesters and observers who oppose the destruction of the Weelaunee Forest to build a police training facility. The SPLC has and will continue to urge de-escalation of violence and police use of force against Black, Brown and Indigenous communities — working in partnership with these communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements and advance the human rights of all people.”

A former SPLC staffer stated that the SPLC’s claims of “hate” are a “cynical fundraising scam” geared at “bilking northern liberals” after the SPLC lost its co-founder after a racial discrimination and sexual harassment crisis in 2019. Opponents from across the political spectrum have expressed outrage and concern about the organization’s hate group allegations.

In 2012, a terrorist entered the lobby of the Family Research Council’s headquarters in the nation’s capital with a semiautomatic handgun and shot and wounded a guard. According to the FBI, the individual discovered the conservative organization on the SPLC’s “hate map” and intended to kill everyone in the building.

The individual ultimately pled guilty to conducting a terrorist act and was sentenced to 25 years in jail. The SPLC denounced the attack but has since kept the Family Research Council on its hate list.

The SPLC has no obvious ties to Antifa black bloc protests, but it has denounced President Donald Trump’s 2020 decision to label Antifa a “terrorist organization,” calling it “dangerous and unjust.”

“Antifa, short for anti-fascist, is a broad, community-based movement composed of individuals organizing against racial and economic injustice,” the SPLC’s “Hatewatch” said. “Those who identify with the label represent a large spectrum of the political left. The Trump administration frequently uses the term to describe any group or individual that demonstrates in opposition to its policies. Far-right extremists use similar tactics.”

Data is allegedly fed to SPLC analysts by self-described antifascist operators such as Megan Squire. The SPLC also keeps a close eye on the Proud Boys, who have had several run-ins with Antifa black bloc protestors.

After a whistleblower revealed a memo citing the SPLC on “radical-traditional Catholics,” the FBI retracted it.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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