All hell broke loose when the White House was caught in this massive lie

Democrats have a proven track record of lying to the American public. Some things never change.

And all hell broke loose when the White House was caught in this massive lie.

One of Joe Biden’s biggest failures as president has been his utter failure at the southern border.

Thanks to his leadership, over six million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since he took office.

For reference, that’s more people than the entire population of Colorado – and it’s more people than the population of 29 other states.

That also doesn’t factor in the the number of illegal immigrants who “got away” from Border Patrol and the ones already living in the United States.

After years of failure, you would think the Biden administration would admit defeat and reverse course…you’d be wrong.

Instead, Biden is pushing the laughable claim that it’s actually Republicans who have caused the crisis at the southern border.

President Biden was subjected to the wrath of the Twitter ratio. Republicans want to eliminate federal funding for border security after he declared “MAGA” on Saturday.

“MAGA House Republican proposals would slash funding for border security – a move that could allow nearly 900 pounds of fentanyl into our country,” the president tweeted. “We need more resources to secure the border. Not less.”

Biden’s tweet contained a photo of himself shaking hands with a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer from his first and only trip to the border in January, in El Paso, Texas. Getty Images saw Biden briefly speaking with CBP officers seated inside a mobile X-ray truck on the Bridge of the Americas border crossing.

Conservatives quickly took notice of the post, and Twitter users heavily “ratioed” it, giving it significantly more unfavorable replies than retweets and likes.

Biden made a quick trip to El Paso in January after facing harsh criticism for not visiting the border since entering office, despite the fact that thousands of illegal immigrants continue to enter the country unnoticed every day.

After nearly two years in office, the president stated in December that he had not visited the US-Mexico border because “there are more important things going on.” He’d already made 59 trips to Delaware and had stopped for ice cream at least eight times.

Border Patrol authorities collected more than 800 pounds of fentanyl between ports of entry this fiscal year, which began in October, despite ongoing concerns about the deadly substance entering the country.

The commissioner of the United States Border Patrol told senators earlier this month that the agency does not have operational control of the country’s southern border and that migration levels were “crisis” in some areas. This week, it was also announced that Border Patrol has already encountered one million migrants in fiscal year 2023.

On March 9, Biden unveiled his budget proposal, and while House Republicans have yet to release a plan, the president has targeted a proposal from the House Freedom Caucus.

“MAGA House Republicans put out extreme budget proposals that would eliminate funding for over 2,000 border patrol agents – undermining our ability to combat drug trafficking,” Biden tweeted on Tuesday. “My budget keeps our borders secure while expanding legal pathways for migrants seeking asylum.”

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., blasted Biden’s claim, tweeting, “A total fabrication. In your 2024 budget proposal, you call for billion-dollar cuts to border security operations and ICE. By the way, it took you 80 years to get that picture.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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