Donald Trump blindsides top Republican with ruthless statement

Former President Trump wants nothing more than to get back in the White House. He’s willing to do anything to make that a reality.

And Donald Trump blindsided a top Republican with this ruthless statement.

Trump has made it clear that if Republicans don’t stand behind him, they will feel his wrath.

Unfortunately for him, those warnings fell on deaf ears when it came to Ron DeSantis.

The conservative firebrand from Florida announced his candidacy for president Wednesday evening in a massive Twitter even with billionaire owner, Elon Musk.

As expected, the fight between Don and Ron amped up with Trump sending his first barrage against the official DeSantis campaign.

President Donald Trump shared a spoof video showing a phony list of persons who were listening to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (R-FL) campaign launch, including Adolf Hitler, the Devil, and others.

The video, which was shared on Instagram and Truth Social, included a false audio conversation that showed the guests arguing with each other while the governor’s doctored voice attempted to make his big announcement. The false tape also included Trump’s own doctored voice, which cut into the call.

“Hold your horses, Elon [Musk]. The real president is going to say a few words,” the fake Trump said.

“The Devil, I’m going to kick your a** very soon. Hitler, you’re already dead. [Former Vice President] Dick Cheney sounds like he’ll be joining Hitler very soon. [World Economic Forum Chairman] Klaus Schwab and [billionaire] George Soros, I’m putting both your a**** in jail. And Ron DeSanctimonious can kiss my big, beautiful 2024 presidential a**. Trump 2024, baby! Let’s go.”

The bogus film also featured an avatar claiming to be the “FBI,” who only appeared for a brief minute. Apart from being posted on Trump’s own accounts, it is unclear who made the film or who was involved in it.

The video was released shortly after DeSantis launched his candidacy for president in 2024. The governor’s real announcement contained technological issues, which drew derision from Trump supporters.

“Ron DeSantis’ botched campaign announcement is another example of why he is just not ready for the job,” Trump-aligned Make America Great Again Inc. spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said in a press release titled “Failure to Launch” on Wednesday.

“The stakes are too high, and the fight to save America is too critical to gamble on a first-timer who is clearly not ready for prime time. President Trump is the proven leader that will be ready on day one to turn the country around.”

More than 400,000 Twitter users attempted to follow DeSantis’ announcement after 6 p.m., but it abruptly crashed.

Twitter Spaces crashed roughly 20 minutes after its first introduction, however it was soon restored.

Others saw the technical difficulties as good news for DeSantis, pointing to the overwhelming server traffic that shut down Twitter.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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