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White House

Karine Jean-Pierre exposed one shocking truth about Joe Biden that will leave you stunned

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's only job is to twist the truth to shield Joe Biden. But she accidentally let one cat out...

Joe Biden just got stunning news about a White House coup

The Biden administration utterly collapsing is raising a ton of questions. Even Democrats admit they don't know who is in charge anymore.

And now Joe Biden's received stunning news about a White House coup.

Tucker Carlson just exposed Biden’s connections to Antifa

Conservatives are sounding the alarm about lawless Antifa groups rising up. But Joe Biden hasn't lifted a finger.

Now we know why because Tucker Carlson just exposed Biden's connections to Antifa.

A former Clinton advisor just ended Joe Biden’s career in one breath

Joe Biden's ship is sinking fast. His old friends are turning on him in droves.

And now a former Clinton advisor just ended Joe Biden's career in one breath.

A Democrat went on Fox News and spilled the truth about Joe Biden

The Joe Biden presidency has been going down in flames. The end of his political career may be right around the corner.

Because a Democrat went on Fox News and spilled the truth about Joe Biden.

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